Shadow step should put you infront instead of behind

I get what you’re saying. Many times when I’m carrying a flag or orb, I Shadowstep to a friendly. I would say just as often as not, the friendly is facing the “wrong” way. So it’s a moot point.

My favorite use of Shadowstep, for what it’s worth.

Enemy rogue casts Evasion. I spam FoK, (it can’t be dodged) to 5 CP. Shadowstep > Kidney Shot (can’t be dodged from behind). The next few attacks, from behind, also can’t be dodged.


The fact that this thread even exists is proof that people will complain about literally anything.


Not my problem you’re unable to comprehend how to play the class. Considering your own state of meta achievements, and players criticising your ability to understand simple concepts of the game, you probably shouldn’t go pointing fingers :rofl:

I would explain the reasoning and how it can be useful but I suspect such information would harm your warrior brain.

I suppose the art of playing a rogue is lost on most; especially Warriors, DK’s and Demon Hunters.


Shadow step casts in pvp (good if you cant kick and dont want to get one shot by bolt or gpie) , shadow step ppl off ledges, shadow step kidney evasion and other parries, ect ect. Most fights where it even matters puts you infront of the boss anyways. But If they made it a frontal tp i would be triggered tbh, would remove a lot of the remaining skill cap the class has ( which is close to none)


Objectively false. It’s still an instantaneous gap-closer that’s usable on enemies and allies, and you can use it to land Kidney Shot on warriors during Die by the Sword, monks during Fists of Fury, or even enemy rogues during Evasion. Not to mention LoS’ing a Greater Pyro or Chaos Bolt.

Good thing Vanish has been here since 2004, then.

Uh, no, the majority of the time you’re Shadowstepping someone to CC them.

How is it possible to be this wrong?


If you seriously think shadowstep should put the rogue in front of the desired target you are literally braindead


Posts like the OP is why Blizzard removed downvotes.


“can’t let anyone get cyberbullied for their utterly terrible opinions, have to create a HeAlThY aNd WeLcOmInG fOrUm EnViRoNmEnT fOr AlL pOsTeRs”


Shadowstep is for getting behind enemies… not escaping.


So it can be used to escape for example arena where you target friendly and use shadow step to port away from opponents. You can offensively use shadow step to give your enemy the bizz. A lot of MMOs have some form of this spell where the ‘stealth’ class ports from behind. Archeage, Bod, etc. No one is going to make an ability, where the ‘stealth’ class is going to port in front of an attacker it just does not make sense.

so 2 defensive’s on 2 out of the 12 classes, that has a 2 min cd,
not even considering the fact you can walk behind them with the speed you get from shadow step.
Also not even considering the fact that you wouldnt wan’t to kidney a warrior with die by the sword is up in an arena… you should shadow step heals so he cant heal him whilst the arms has defensive up…

You’re gunna shadow step just to los lmfao ? front or behind you can still kidney or kick them.

If it was infront youd have extra yards and youd actually be able to get the kick off sooner rather them shadow step just to LoS lmfao

uve literally never even played an arena according to ur chieves

congrats on the only upvotes youve ever gotten on the forums because people are too lazy to read the post and just read the title.

u also have no pvp chieves lmao

It’s still a great gap-closer that happens to have extra functionality.

…Or you could just teleport behind them with Shadowstep. I don’t know what point you’re trying to make here.

If the healer is Blinded and the warrior is low on health, you would Step the warrior and Kidney him during DBTS for the kill.

Kick and Kidney have these things called cooldowns. So if both of them are on CD and you don’t want to use Vanish or Cloak, you can Step to LoS.


Good thing I have alts who have.


Insulting other posters on their Achievements in the game are not going to make your original post any more sensible, reasonable, or correct.

There’s some good information in this thread for playing your Rogue if you take the time to read it and learn.


You can even run Infront of them with the same speed, with no change needed.

Since the Warrior’s dbts introduces a 100% parry, you can Shadow Step to CC from behind for whatever reason. Possibly to shut it down while focusing on arena partner while the 30% reduction is up.

Yes, because that is an option, instead of being Pyroblasted to the face.

Glass houses and whatnot, the players here would do well to consider your “experience”.


post on ur alt then lets see.

No you would not kidney the warrior lol. that makes 0 sense
healer is blinded and you have a step kidney, ur gunna use it on the warrior ?

Lmao your kick and kidney is on CD so you ur gunna shadowstep the destro lock to TRY (if he doesn’t just turn around) and Stop a cast so he can coil u into a fear into 2 chaos bolts?

Lol youre good at wow man.

thats one ability. that has a 2 min cd. on one class. in one specific scenario.

you could run for a restealth if a fire mage is casting a greater pyro… he can just turn and hit you dude. maybe you need to turn ur mouse sensitivity up and stop playing w/ ur feet

U dont play pvp dude. uve both literally never played in an arena match before. nevermind made it past 1750.

You made an example of that ability, of why you wouldn’t. Ignoring the fact that Dbts gives the Warrior a 100% parry that is completely degated by being behind the target…

As you can just turn when stepping to a player…

Again, glass houses.
You are in no position to point fingers.

Kid makes a post, everyone in forum points out how stupid he is, now he’s having a temper tantrum like a little child lmao. Standard forum thread, I guess.


News flash, pvp isn’t a legitimate form of gameplay, so any argument you’ve made based on pvp has been pointless. Only pve matters… and in pve, shadowstep is just fine.

sound of toilet flushing
There goes your credibility.

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