Shadow step should have a effect when used on friendly target, places you on the other side of them, facing the direction casted

second effect for when used on friendlies so you can actually get away instead of running back to the enemy

Maybe you can spin your mouse 180 degrees after a step, depending on your intentions.

All the answers you need:

The Rogue community would do well to consider reading your first thread (or more accurately, the reactions) :+1::+1:


all hail rockford, the king of sitting in org and queuing for raid finder. He is the almighty god of wow, all knowing, all seeing.

word has it hes gunna que for an arena and a M+ some point this year

for now he’ll just be clicking all his spells and s-keying around org

More than you do, it seems…
Looking at your meta achives, it looks like you’ve a long way to go in understanding how the game works.

You seriously do not know what meta achieves are???
Well, you’re off to a blazing start then…


So, just because I’ve shot down every one of your arguments, you’ve just gone to childish attacks, where anyone reading this far know for an undeniable fact that you have nothing to add to this (or any) discussion…


stop making idiotic posts & comments

If you are too dumb to see how stepping behind a target is a better functionality than in front, then just quit the game, seriously just stop playing because if your brain level is that low then you are incapable of functioning on this game regardless

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I’d really love to know what Rogues think of the OP, and these suggestions :purple_heart: