Shadow’s niche in PvP has been mass dispel, silence, and spread DoT cleave for a very long time. Every single one of these elements of the class has been nerfed to a nearly useless state. Nothing was added.
Most classes are currently functioning in an improved state from what they had back in MoP. Utility has been added to every single class such that each class feels like a rogue in the amount of tools they have available. Priest is unique. It is currently a worse class than it was in MoP or Legion. It has been consistently weakened while every other class has gained more abilities.
Where is the compensation? This current design is an abomination.
Yea we never did get compensated for MD. Now it’s just another 2min bind that you’ll use once in a shuffle. Maybe twice. Almost never three times. But it’s still super valuable.
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I still cannot comprehend how much did they obliterated MD. Its like useless now. Such a kneejerk reaction to their badly designed dungeons. And they gutted it for pvp too, for all niche cases…
Imho that was just an unbeliveable developer fail. But priest class is getting way too ignored for them to do anything about it…even notice it.
When we are dog
nobody cares. When sp shines …neef bats, forks, shovels, torches and smg’s are instantly pulled out by bluzzard.
There definetly must be someone who hate this spec. And it definetly inst the person in charge of our visuals, or in case of DF our tier set models.
Altrough i gotta say that making apparations invisible to everybody and making them almost invisible to ourselves is very questionable move…since ghosts are one of tge coolest aspects of this spec.