Shadow Priests in Lore

So I was thinking, are there even that many notable Shadow Priests in lore? I am completely blanking on any Shadow Priests or anything relating to them not having a big showing in lore except Xal’atath?

Anduin. Soon. (:

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Zabra Hexx, if you count the comics.

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Mhmm … Voidelves come close I guess.

Also Tyrande maybe? Though she is not directly liked to shadow she invoced the darkest face of a goddess.

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Natalie Seline. Oh and I think Moira Thaurissan kinda delves into the shadows too I think.



Nerzhul was a Shaman as far as I know.

Actually, in the comics, he was not a shadow priest. He distinctly learned the ways of the Light. When he showed up in-game he became a shadow priest for unknown reasons.

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I think Breakcog means specifically Alternate Ner’zhul who fell to the use of the Void.

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I don’t think that class divisions in game are quite reflected in the same way in lore. Tyrande for instance has a lot of Hunter elements, Khadgar seems to be able to use all three specialization’s at once as a Mage, Anduin seems to be a blend of Priest/Paladin, Thrall has always been almost as much Warrior as Shaman and Drake seems to be mixing in a healthy dose of Rogue with her Warrior background.

Yup. Sorry for not using more details.