Shadow priest

shadow crash should apply dots to all targets and just limit psychic link targets to 8 of the highest hp. or at a minimum dots should prioritize targets with a larger hp number. half the dungeons are filled with mobs that eat the dots and are not elite.

Voidreaver needs to be viable and work better with void eruption. Void reaver should move 50% faster and spawn on the target. I think the baseline dmg and range should be increased and remove the increase when casting void blast, instead make every void blast apply dots to more targets up to 8 maximum.

Their is to much ramp already in shadowpriest adding more just hinders the class to being useless in anything but the top keys. and shadow is already being pushed out of the top keys so where does that leave the class.

Shadow is on the cusp of being one of the most fun classes in the game but instead 90% of the players 90% of the dungeon content will spend half the time casting vampiric touch because the way shadow crash doesn’t apply dots to enough targets. or the targets that did get dotted die in 1 gcd and the other 5 elites didnt get hit.

also again lets make void reaver not feel clunky, lets not make a stacking buff on top of other stacking priority buffs and lets not make it wander across the screen aimlessly just spawn in on target.