Shadow priest vs affliction warlock. Which is more fun?

I like the concept of the Void. But their depictions of it (apparently the Void is purple) isn’t what I would expect . When I think Void, I think black nothingness. Maybe in the Wow universe, purple is their black. I also envision the Void as this life sucking, creeping black nebulous like mist that coalesceses into all kinds of shapes that can only be extinguished with light and vice versa. But I thought I remember the lore saying the Void Lords were extremely weak and vulnerable outside the Void, which is why they’re limited to corporeal manifestations and corrupting already existing entities in WoW reality (convenient for the artists/developers :confused: ).

As far as gameplay, if you like fewer spells and more DOT applying, go Affliction. If you want more abilities to manage and more spell weaving where damage is split between DOTs and spells, go Shadow.

If your farts are purple, you should maybe lay off all the cookies :joy:

Honestly, I’ve wanted to like shadow priest for a really long time. I’ve got one that’s at least level 50, has class mount, etc. There’s time invested. But I just…can’t. Every time I login with that character with a plan for leveling, I’m back at character select in 5 mins. Having said that, I also haven’t enjoyed affliction as a spec since the end of Legion. The upside in picking affliction is that at least you have your own tank and don’t have things coming to smash your face like you do as a shadow priest.


Legion was peak Aff gameplay. Soul Effigy was dumb, but still better than what we have now.

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I have always loved Affliction, but if you’re PVPing at all, Priest is far and away the stronger choice. Shadow is tankier than any affliction spec, it does more damage, it’s higher in the Top 15 charts (no warlock spec appears), and it has TWO healing specs meaning it’s always going to be viable.

I like them both. I think I prefer the affliction AoE and the spriest single target.
I mostly play hunter and tanks, so take that with a grain of salt.

Affliction single target is indistinguishable (to me) from destruction. Manage dot, push big nuke. :yawning_face: I dislike it more than dealthbolt from BfA, but less than the malefic grasp. The seed changes in 9.1, though, make aff really fun to play in m+ (finally). I just wish it hadn’t cost them so much in single target to get there.

Shadow AoE, though, makes me die inside. The pulsing boom from mind sear should be way stronger, imho. There should be better payoff for managing dots correctly.

Bonus in favor of affliction: you will never be asked to switch specs and heal.


I don’t find either spec very enjoyable anymore. For lore and aesthetics, I prefer warlock.

Extremely punishing if you don’t pull it off correctly. That probably makes little sense since I play venth boomy but shadow is a little harder.

I would LOVE for shadow priest to have some uncontrollable pets, like the imps my demonlock has.

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Whitemane is a Priest

Whitemane is a Priest

Whitemane can play games.

(wipes brow) Uh. Whitemane is a Priest

I like her …hat

personally I’ll always take lock over priest if given a choice. Just feel easier to play and easier to survive in solo content

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thats a good point. shard watching can be a tad tedious.

I’ll take the affliction warlock, or for that matter any hunter or warlock, because you have a pet/demon to tank for you.