Shadow priest tribute runs

As title states
Are tribute runs soloable as a shadow priest, or are the videos on youtube from priv servers not accurate


Hard to say since its not out right now.

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Pretty sure the only reason hunters csn solo it is due to feign desth dropping combat entirely allowing you to skip multiple packs

spriests can do it via mind control.

Edit: at least on private servers, they could.

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I don’t think so. Pretty sure after MC you get aggro

Not doable on SoD, after MC breaks all mobs aggro to you.

This isn’t the SoD Forums.

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I wouldn’t trust anything from private servers. But it’s possible shadow priests can do it. It wouldn’t be at all practical though. Hunter is 1000% the way to go for soloing DMT.

I solo’d DMT, Scholo Lab, and Strat UD trash runs on my priest in era. I wasn’t shadow though but smite spec, both should work.

But also, holy necro.