2 pc - Your damaging spells have a chance to hit a Jackpot! that fires a Void Bolt at an enemy at 200% effectiveness. Casting Dark Ascension or Void Eruption always hits a Jackpot!
4pc - Hitting a Jackpot! grants you 5.0 seconds of Power Infusion. Mind Blast and Void Bolt deal 15% increased damage while Power Infusion is active
Does the 2 piece not make sense to anyone else? We already get a void bolt automatically when going into void form …. But otherwise this tier set looks pretty sweet!
When you choose Void Eruption and cast it, it is that spell effect / damage that is done to the enemies, not Void Bolt.
Regarding the tier set, it’s pretty meh. Only gameplay changing feature is getting 5.0 seconds of Power Infusion.
Everything else is just extra damage without any control or change on your play style. So it is basically ignored since it just means numbers are bigger and nothing else.
Hopefully you don’t get a random jackpot proc only to find that your Mind Blast is on cooldown and potentially not be able to complete your next Mind Blast cast prior to your Power Infusion 5.0 seconds proc fading. It’s a bit more forgiving for Void Eruption build though.
As stated, Void Bolt is the rotational ability you gain during Voidform, not the Void Eruption damage. This is basically their attempt at making a set bonus that affects Voidform without it directly affecting Voidform.
They can’t directly involve shadow’s cooldowns in tier sets because they insist that Dark Ascension should exist, so the best way they can do it is to bring Dissonant Echoes back from the dead (which they should have done with Surge of Insanity back in 10.0 instead of bringing back Mind Spike), make it the tier bonus, and then guarantee a trigger on cooldown cast. Ostensibly benefits Void Eruption more, but Dark Ascension gets twice as many guaranteed procs to narrow the gap in benefit.
Entering void eruption doesn’t cast void bolt, it just has a cast time so once you’re in the gcd is up and you can use void bolt.
So when proc, shoot big void bolt. when enter VF / DA, shoot big void bolt.
When enter VF, shoot big void bolt, then cast regular void bolt.
Essentially what I was trying to say was that we already get void bolt.
Thanks guys lol
It’s a free, automatic Void Bolt on top of the Void Bolt you already get that you manually have to cast and incur a gcd for.
Interersting that it doesn’t seem that you need to be spec’d into Void Eruption for this bonus to work, since it does with Dark Ascension too. Obviously the Void Eruption users might get the most of it, as hopefully they extend the Voidform duration like the regular Void Bolt does.
Void Bolt no longer increases the duration of Voidform, Devouring Plague does. Void Bolt just extends DoTs now, which may be great for Dark Ascension players depending on the proc frequency.
Void Bolt always increased DoT duration. Void Eruption still probably gets more value out of the tier set because Void Bolt gets +15% additional damage during PI and Void Eruption gives you access to it and the cooldown is always available during PI, while DA builds would only benefit from the +15% damage bonus on the Jackpot! procs.
Oh, I completely missed that out, I’m not playing Void Eruption right now with Voidweaver.