Shadow Priest Tier 2 Update is still Bad

Idk who is designing SP Tier but it baffles me how these updates get approved. Doubling the chance to proc doesn’t help the fact that the primary way to proc it is from a spell that only deals damage very 3 seconds, 5% is still to low unless you made it proc off any shadow damage or at least off all our DOT ticks but even then it wouldn’t be good. It Also doesn’t change the fact that the 4P set bonus doesn’t stand on its own, getting the 4P is worthless without getting the 6P which makes no since these 2 effects should just be 1 bonus. You will use this set on AOE fights that you use Mind Sear on which also makes it a contradiction of itself because the 2P reduces CD on SWD which shares a slot with Mind Sear. Seriously does the person designing these sets no ANYTHING about shadow priest at all???


Yep. Still terrible I can’t believe they could not think of something more interesting.

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Agree, whoever is designing this set has no idea how a Shadow Priest actually operates. It’s even more baffling that they would make this T2 set bonus strictly worse than a T1 bonus that actually felt pretty good to use with Mind Flay.

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