Shadow Priest T2 set bonus will lead to a toxic meta

I’ve replied to other topics about this but I think it’s important to have as it’s own topic.

After testing the 4p/6p of the new set, it appears to proc off grey mobs as well as critters. I’m reminded of the dig rat meta that some arcane mages would use, or try-hard warriors to get 1 hit on a mob via the dig rat ‘pet’ . The alternative is to use a rage-mob and immediately pull within the 15 second spirit tap window to try and get up 3 dots with a trinket/PI to snapshot everything.

Needless to say, because of snapshotting, a spriest going into the fight with the set bonus buff will have a large increased advantage vs a spriest without it (because once it DOES proc via the swp 2.5% , you’ll have to then get PI/trinket and reapply the dots, costing valuable global times).

I’m not really sure of a solution to this problem without a rework of the set bonus itself. Maybe have it so spirit tap lasts 30 seconds instead of 15 seconds but reduced the benefits by 50% (spriests don’t really need spirit anyways). Not sure, if I think of something else, I’ll reply here

if you dont want to parse…dont?

Won’t lead to a toxic meta because its not even in the same league as the T1 Set bonus so no one will use it anyways, But I agree it needs a complete rework but for a different reason which is its an awful set bonus and not even good in any fight except maybe a 3 target fight which don’t exist in classic.

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Oh you ran the numbers? Can you share them please

If your in the priest Discord there are plenty of links to our current sims. But its like 300+ DPS in favor of the T1 set bonus

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