Shadow Priest - spell push back

How was shadow spell damage push back not developed yet? SoD’s been out for like 8 months now.

And how has mind-flay not been properly tuned yet? Shadow has been the lowest pve-dps since launch with the exception of the start of p2 for like 1 week. b4 receiving the fattest nerf of all of SoD (which was rightfully given)

give SP shadow spell push-back while in shadow form, buff mindflay range to 30yards
and VT needs to have dispel protection like UA does.

mind flay is kinda clunky but spriest has far too much utility to do as much damage as a real dps, you would need a nerf to VE healing or else the class would be s-tier god mode in pve, during a kazzak yesterday i did 2.5k hps (80%~ overheal, only 500 hps was effective healing) and gave 7k mana each to my party, that’s more than like 3 healers could do

You must be on dat good stuff. I push about 1300 dps on Kazzak, and my hps was only 450.
330k Damage 6.6k mana returned to group. That’s basically a shaman set and forget mana totem for duration of fight. So we arent exactly breaking any huge numbers here.

Wow. I guess the class should have no mobility or damage because it can overheal on an ez world boss.


it’s so funny to me when people bring up VE healing because the majority of the healing goes to myself when i hit myself with my own ability (SWD)

you’re a dang priest :expressionless: you’re not supposed to deal as much damage as a mage
simple as
if you want nonsense like that, you know the game you gotta play: retail

yeah because there’s no other fights in the game that u could potentially heal where it would be extremely significant like any sort of hardmode molten core or anything like that, not like the damage is even that low and the class is brain damaged easy to play and spams the healer group with mana, its basically a mandatory spec

i was about to explain it to him but if people cant commonly understand VE its out the window anyway. not gonna waste my time on that like the dude saying 1300 dps, we have shsmans doing 2.1k+ LOL

all in all, they 100% need to add anti-shadow spell push back theres no reason it shouldnt be in the game as well as mindflay range baseline 30yards. idc about being #1 dps, but it needs to be competitive OR make VE hit entire raid like in cata-retail+ sure thats op but give SP something

Every dungeon I’m in with a spriest they top meters with just mind sear…they need a nerf if anything

thats bc ur groups are full on str8 noobs 100% u cant argue this. shaman/boomy/mage do .5-1x+ more aoe than SP

“i was only a mid tier dps and a mid tier healer while spamming my party with 33k mana”

Less mana than a shaman / Pal- check
Less healing than a shaman /Pal- check
Less damage than a shaman /Pal - check

Why not get a buff?

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you must play with built different shamans if they outheal you and outdamage you and give more mana back to the party, they can’t heal while doing damage, if they did heal while doing damage they would lose to you doing damage and healing, ur healing is completely passive while they have to sacrifice dps to do theirs

you will see soon enough that every heat 3 team will have a bunch of shadow priests

enhance is #1 dps wtf u talking about? and theyre the best pvp class while also requiring zero skill to b successful. theyre also a hybrid. my guildie is doing 2.1k+ single target rn