Shadow Priest or Warlock for PvP

Snap they both are sounding dope lol. Kinda leaning towards Spriest now, but here’s the big kicker. I will most certainly get strong-armed into healing during lvling and raids right?

most certainly. being a priest and not healing is like being a warrior during leveling and saying you can’t tank. doesn’t make any sense. Good news is that you don’t really have to spec around healing while leveling you can heal every dungeon to 60 without speccing into healing but it is something you will be doing for all pve most likely.

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Fair take, when I said lock was strictly better I was assuming a 1v1 situation, both starting at full life, mana, buffs, shards, pet, etc. The prep time does suck. And you’re also right that in many wpvp situations and most bg situations, the off healing and utility from a spriest is very valuable, hard to pass up for a lock imo.

And spriests are just more fun in general.

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Spriest is fine for leveling and 5mans, pvp ect. In raids you will be sitting with the tanks on the DPS meters though and probably be last to get loot

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What makes UD SP so strong against paladins? Paladin can cleanse both SW:P and DP. They can outheal your Mind Blast/Flay. And mana burning will OOM the SP just as fast as the Paladin.

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Paladins dont have enough damage output to get through PWS + SForm to be able to actually threaten the priest with consistency. They also can only break a maximum of 2 fears. 1 with bubble, one with trinket.

Struggling to get through PWS means the Priest can freecast without pushback. Mana Burn DESTROYS a Ret’s mana pool in a couple casts unless theyre in T2.5. Once Bubble is gone and their mana is burnt, the Priest can unironically Wand them to death. Ive done it myself.

You can bait cleanses with Rank 1 SWP. He’ll have to try to cleanse twice per SWP cast because itll apply Weaving too. Three times if you had Touch of Weakness up. If he just doesnt cleanse, Mind Blast is going to absolutely ROCK him.


Shadowpriest, just for the mindcontrol shenanigans.


a very well geared paladin most certainly can burst down a priest but id just run fear if he manages to get close and mana burn and keep applying low rank dots to build weave. and this is without taking into account possible blackout procs.


Uh shadowpriest sucks in everything but 1v1s cause they oom. They are very good in open world solo if not a lot of people are attacking you. Rogues hate them because you can faceroll your keyboard and win vs a rogue.

Warlock is the strongest and works well in BGs because of life tap.

Warlock is annoying to play in PVP due to shard management and farming.

Spriest is hard to gear because no one will give you caster gear over a mage or a warlock.

Warlock is pretty easy to gear. YOu get your sets for free basically because there are only like 2 locks in a raid usually so you get them very fast. T2 is amazing on lock for PVP

Spriest raid sets suck for PVP you basically have to rank.

Rogues love to kill locks because their trinket can’t remove stun. You will be a rogue magnet on lock. Trust me this sucks.


Warlock is crazy OP in BGs and world PvP. I didnt 1v1 much on Warlock so no comment there.

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They are the strongest in 1v1 by a lot.

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I think the worst thing I could have done is look up shadow priest pvp on youtube because some ppl are amazing! Before that I was set on Lock. Everyone on here is awesome and thank you all! Gearing sounds like a nightmare for Spriest. So I think Lock might be the way I go.

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For what it’s worth I’m r13 on both priest and warlock, but my priest’s gear is full BiS.

They’re both amazing in PvP. Warlock I’d say is better 1v1 and spriest is probably better in groups due to dispells and pw:shield. So it depends on what play style you’re after.

One thing I’ll say in favor of warlocks though is they have significantly better gear selection come Naxx.

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Warlock is stronger and easier to gear but a lot harder to play properly in PVP.

You will need a lot of keybinds.

Spriest is braindead easy. LIke I said, you can literally faceroll your keyboard and kill 99% of rogue players.

Lock requires a LOT of button presses and CDs to beat a rogue.

Hint: There will be LOTS of rogues.


I have to be honest. I’m a bit slow on the keys have always made mistakes that lost me fights, the best I’ve ever done was my rogue, but that’s because I could straight up gank. I might just have to flip a dang coin haha! I don’t feel like healing forever, but maybe I would like healing and always having a spot. I’m nervous about having everone’s life in my hands…
I just watched a video that said gearing can be a nightmare for Spriest and Pre-mades don’t like to pick them, and raids don’t like to bring them lol.
If I’m healing during raids and roll for Spriest gear I feel like they will riot.

Spriest is definitely very hard to gear.

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Maybe I should ask you, for your Shadow Priest, how long and how much effort did it take to go full BIS? I’m not trying to take the EZ way out on everything. Me and wife just had a kid though and my job means I will only be able to no-life about 2-3 days a week.

You are literally the last person who will get any caster gear in a raid. It is extremely hard because not much gear drops and 40 people want it. Most of it is also bad for Spriest for PVP.

If you play Spriest you have to rank for gear.


Ok boss, how difficult is ranking? I’ve never ranked over Sgt lol

It will be easier in FRESH. They changed the system. It will take 8 weeks of constant playing in BGs to get the full set.

Note BGs don’t come out until P2.

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