Shadow Priest New Tier Set 4p and 6p are DOA

Why even make this tier set bonus? There is no world that this set bonus is ever good no one will use it and it will literally just be a waste of development time even making it. The proc chance is 2.5% on SWP ticks and those ticks happen every 3 seconds, the chance this procs just once in a 3 min fight is like 75% its not even a garunteed proc chance in a fight. It gains some value if its a fight with adds you have to kill but then it forces you to hold your trinket for snapshot reasons which just feels bad. The set bonus is just not fun and pales in comparison to the T1 6P

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It’s 2.5% per point in spirit tap, but regardless, the thing that will make this set bonus toxic is the fact you can get it from having swp on a mob that dies for 15s, meaning you have to kill the mob and then pull a boss immediatly after to get the snapshot (trinket/PI etc) up on pull, otherwise you have to wait for it to proc and then buff. I tested it with grey mobs and critters and it works for that, so we’re looking at a potentially toxic dig rat meta for spriests to parse

No one cares about your stupid parse seriously neck beard meta is not how a game should be balanced

Nah … its .5% per talent point totaling 2.5% Its A$$. Its the worst tier set bonus i’ve ever seen on any set of gear ever released in all of WoW lol

I may be exaggerating a little here but its bad… Like really really bad

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It has nothing to do with parsing, its about the fact that the set bonus is not only a downgrade in comparison to T1 so much that if we couldn’t keep the T1 set bonus upgrading to T2 we just wouldn’t even go for T2. The other portion of it is its also not a fun set bonus, its a proc that has a super low chance to proc that you would have to be rocking a WA to track when it goes up just to even utilize it properly because it only updates when you re-apply your dots and its not transformative in playstyle the same way the T1 set is. Its just not good on any metric.

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Set bonuses should never have been transformative they should be just that bonuses

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Lol so set bonuses should never do anything but give more stats? Alright troll bye.

No they should do things like they did in classic eg the war t3 made you receive more healing when near death or made revenge a very high threat move hit alot harder… tier bonus should not change rotation

Ahh so they should change almost all the tier then to be boring to the point that you don’t even know you have it and just more raw stats is better? gotcha, your version of wow is pretty boring

Not at all what i said

The shadow priest tier set bonus made a move like Mind flay Hit a lot harder, I just re-worded what you said for a different spell. When you make moves that people don’t normally use do more damage by tier set bonuses it changes your rotation because you start actually using them, crazy how that works. So saying that tier set bonuses shouldn’t alter your rotation means you should only ever put raw stats on tier set bonuses because doing anything else might alter your rotation.

No it should be little bonuses like t2 2pc could be mindlays range incresed to 37 yards 4 pc mind flay does 20% more damage and 6 or 8pc mindflay is no longer channeled

Now you know the pain of tier 1 hunters :joy: our set bonuses were pure dogwater. Ah yes, lets give a 2pc that lets us generate even more threat, it’s not like we’re constantly ripping threat off everyone as is or anything.

Mind Flay not being channeled would be giga busted, your proposing things stronger than our current tier bonus XD, the tier set is currently just 50% reduced channel time and 50% damage increase, and i promise every priest in the discord has asked for a range increase on Mind Flay. But regardless what your proposing also drastically alters our rotation, see what I mean? You can’t have tier bonuses that are good without them potentially affecting rotations.

Can we get some kind of blue reply on this subject? This cant make it live and you cant mean for the Spriest masses to force forge t1 . Why even play ? Not looking forward to doing BWL just so i can forceforge tier1 on to my t2 … Thats madness lol

They won’t do anything about it, they will just tell us that if we don’t like the set to use the T1 set bonus lol, with no regard to the fact that it was a waste of development time to even make the set bonus since no one will use it except for people who are uninformed.

Can anyone tell me if “core forged” Tier gear works in conjunction with the previous T1 gear or will we have to start that set over if we want the set bonuses?

Atleast your T1 didnt get gutted. Your grass looks nice and green from over here.