Shadow Priest Mana

Has anyone heard anything on a possible fix? I mean, I’m breaking rotation to use SW:D to try and regain mana but nothing is working. I’m oom mid bossfight.


Never had issue unless I mind sear a lot.

Hymn of hope, dispersion, and shadow friend should be enough.

Extra sw:d and theres no way you should go oom on ST.

This is 100% not broken nor getting “fixed” so better learn to manage mana.

I always have mana issues on long fights, dispersion on cd on council. It sucks


In pvp its also an issue. You oom very fast. Faster than any other spec / class from what I can tell. Comparatively to wotlk all your mana regen options are severely worse than they were last xpac.


Looking at your logs… sit down.


The rest of your dps needs to do better then, or you need to optimize your gear better.

I haven’t tried Shadow yet, but I have heard others say how mana hungry it is. Hopefully Blizzard does something to fix that. I know in SoD that they made Shadowform reduce their mana costs by half. That would be a nice addition to Shadow.


bro probably does better than you looking at his parses.

if you want actual answers post on your priest or link logs, otherwise stop being a weirdo looking through other peoples logs deciding whether they can help or not


when the cata first started i had mad mana problems but now that i goten more pve raid gear i usly dont have to dispersion i do when i keep dots on 2 or more targets at a time best friend is wings / death and ur sf and he usly refreshes fast

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Bwahaha what parses would that be?

Lol what a tool, I wonder if he even checked my logs. Too afraid to even post on a max lvl char.

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I don’t see any other classes breaking their rotation and reaching far and wide to get Mana. Shadow indeed needs to be fixed. Lets not pretend you’re somehow more special than the rest of the folks who play the class.


All my logs are public. You can see for yourself how little I struggle with mana lol.

Forum argument is pointless. Theres plenty of logs from myself and other good spriests having no problem.

Do your homework and improve your play.

I don’t play Shadow. I know there are not a lot of people who wont play it because there is mana issues. When the majority can’t get through a single boss fight, there’s an issue.

One single player does not represent the masses.

You’re tooting your horn as if your whole lifes ego revolves around your Priest. Dude, go touch some grass and stop disgusting people with your attitude.

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What’s wrong with Ixiom’s logs?

You selected the wrong Ixiom, didn’t you?

Think OP looked at the wrong Ixiom, there are 2 people with your name including yourself of course.

If you are seeing no parses thats because you need to look at Ixiom that is on Atiesh, not Myzrael.

dw they wont. if they do hpriest is also in DESPERATE need of help w/ mp.


Dude, what? Ixiom isn’t the one who brought up his logs.

I mean, mage has mana issues too if you don’t use mana gem, or mage armor, or evocate.

He’s offering good advice though. Regardless of how bad you think the mana situation is, it’s working as designed and will not get fixed. Shadow’s mana hunger tapers off with gear significantly. At lower gear levels, Shadow struggles mightily on long fights.

If we had logs to look at from the OP, we could diagnose some of the problems. Maybe he’s not really casting SWD on cooldown exactly. Maybe he’s pressing his first mana cooldown when he gets to 10% mana when he could’ve used it much, much earlier. Maybe he’s raiding without Replenishment. And maybe he’s doing horrible pug raids at 350 ilevel with 9 minute Cho’gall kills. We just don’t know.

But instead, the OP is hiding on an alt and log-blasting the guy who was the most helpful in the entire thread.

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I think the issue everyone is having with Ixiom is the assumption that OP and every other Priest who have come forward on this forum is not doing everything he/they can do to manage his/their Mana and with no clue what the gear of any of the Priests who are speaking up looks like. It’s a broad assumption and he’s done it in a way that expresses that he is somehow better than everyone else who plays a Priest.

This rings similar to the MOP dev who disregarded what the majority are experiencing because heroic gear “solves the issue” without ever considering that not every guild is raiding heroic. It becomes a viscous cycle of “if I can’t get the gear then how can I fix the problem or upgrade guilds”. Ixiom has no clue who the OP is and does not speak for the masses. He’s one single Priest in a sea of hundreds of thousands of people who have played priests are ARE experiencing major mana issues.

Editing in that just because Ixiom isn’t bothered that he has no mana or has to go above and beyond his rotation or break his rotation and then drop his armor to get mana and then stop dpsing altogether to drink a concoction, it doesn’t mean that the issue doesn’t exist. It only means that Ixiom is unaware that all he has to do is ask for a fix. The whole “git good, I’m better than you, and be more like me” thing is outdated.

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On boss fights, do you priests open with mind spike followed by mind burst? Pain, then plague, vampiric?

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