Shadow Priest LF Raiding Guild

Looking for a group of cool, chill people to raid and do the occasional M+ with. Currently 4/8 H and off work Mondays and Tuesdays. Other days I’m usually free by 8 PM EST.

Hey Gravewynd, if our times work for you I would love to chat!

Hey man, check us out! If you wanna chat, shoot me a message.

Heywire is currently looking for dedicated dps to complete our heroic raid team and then push into mythic raiding. This is the start of the season, so we are not “behind” and have the opportunity to push content early. We are recruiting for core raiding slots not backups. We are looking for the following specs directly. We are open to others as well especially since we are not in Mythic yet so raid team size can be bigger.

This is a mature group, please keep the toxic attitudes away. We are looking to progress in a semi-hardcore fashion. We will do a lot of M+ as well so if that is your preferred scene we will do that as well.

Raid Times are Tue|Thursday 7:30-10PM CST

Add my batletag if you’re interested Oenamaous#1333

  • Shadow Priest
  • Resto Sham
  • Mistweaver Monk
  • Surv/Marksman Hunter
  • Outlaw Rogue
  • Demo Warlock
  • Fury Warrior
  • Enhancement Shaman