Shadow Priest in 10.0.5 - What are you thoughts

I have played my shadow priest for a very very long time, but I have found it very difficult to enjoy it with this new expansion, but I stuck with it because, I love shadow. I mostly pvp and do pve in between. Sadly with the new nerfs, I’m feeling very overwhelmed. What are the thoughts of other fellow Shadow priests on this? Is this the expansion to say goodbye to the once strong and fun Shadow spec and do something else like… gulp Healing or reroll a new class all together?

There has been little talk our in social media land from prominent Shadow Priest players about the new nerfs, and a couple not so prominent Shadow priests I follow have given it up.

I’d love to see how the rest of the priest community is feeling on this topic also.


Shadow priest rotation is awkward with abilities that sometimes feel straight up meaningless like mind spike or mind flay, utility is nowhere near the other casters while they having more survivability, being less reliant on a friend to peel for them, having streamlined rotation and bringing comparable if not syperior dps/burst.

The expansion feels great but you can tell that priests are lacking by giving other classes and then loggin back in your priest, trying a new class is cool and all but it leaves a bitter taste in your mouth when you put all this time and effort into your priest just to feel that your outclassed and neglected by blizzard while other classes with less issues are being paid way more attention.

Of course you can always use class representation as a metric and say priests are fine but gonplay one, try some 2v2 arenas or bgs by yourself even try to do some warmode content and see how unfun and borderline irritating it can be to play after you know how fun it was when you did that content with other classes


I agree, we suffer from button bloat… there is no flow! Its like we are going back to just being that utility class that maybe can help the time but maybe not. I only pvp as I do not have the time to commit to pve dance class each week due to life and work commitment. I most certainly have a bitter taste in my mouth because all I want to do is play the class I have loved and enjoyed since Vanilla. I gave up healing because it became toxic, negative and stressful having to take responsibility for everyone in a battle ground even though everyone else takes no responsibility to priorities their own survival in their own skill base. Shadowlands was so much fun as shadow, I finally felt like I could hold my own 1v1 against over powered melee and hunters. Sadly the buttom bloat and massive rotation list and the micromanaging of cooldowns has left me really disappointed to the point that I have not enjoyed leveling my priest or pvp’ing with it. So today I decided to ditch my priest and try the evoker… though I am not sure that will last long either.

I wish classes would go back to their pokemon origin days of Vanilla. Right now there is not alot that separates classes other than melee or caster. We all have CC we all have stuns etc. Where are the days where being a certain class made us completely unique and made us either strong or weak against other classes. ie: Rogues were purely a healer/cloth caster killer.

Lets hope that future patches will bring back what we miss and need for Shadow. Until then I feel that Shadow priests will be a minority class played this expansion.


I want a major CD that buffs or adds some effect to periodic damage. I don’t like VF or DA.

I may be missing something, but I dont think any of the complaints here hold any water.

Button bloat: you shouldn’t really be using both mind spike and mind flay, there’s builds that use one or the other, but in pvp im sure you should be going mind flay for its slow component. The flow is smooth as well, due to mental decay you dont have to think about dots as much, lots of instant cast procs to keep you moving and agile. strong burst windows where you cycle between DPlague, mind blast, and void bolts. I think y’all are just doing something wrong.

Lack of peels: Shadow has plenty of survivability, but its never been a strong peel class for itself. thats why it was always paired with classes that could focus on peels more like PMR, rogue/priest, druid/priest, etc. that said i feel like between void tendrils, fear, dispersion, desperate prayer, a shield on hitting low HP, silence, and psychic horror you have plenty of options to keep yourself safe in a pinch.

Nerfs/weak class: You say that there were nerfs but priest only saw buffs in 10.0.5. I actually stopped playing my other few alts because priest feels so solid right now in all its specs. You have tons of utility, tons of damage, and tons of healing. You say healing became toxic, but there’s so much burst in the game for the last few expansions im not sure what you want people to do to satiate your ego. In Shadowlands warriors could almost one shot people, on my rogue i could shadowy duel people with BoP to send them to their own realm where they wouldnt even know they were being attacked until the screen flashed red, etc. Outside of organized competitive content you’re not going to be the primary focus of players, same way you arent thinking of others when you’re in a fight.

Major CD that buffs dots: you mean something like screams of the void which already amps dot dmg by 80%? Mind trauma which amps your haste by 12% while sapping enemies? void form granting 20% crit on use (though it fades)?

I honestly think that your posts come from a place of wanting to do everything yourselves despite complaining that all the classes feel the same. Its ok to not excel in 1v1s or be able to hold your own in every match up. priest excels when its given a bit of breathing space and then explodes someone with intense pressure, thats how its always been.

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I am having loads of fun with VE/VB as well as precog/VT - maybe not ideal for high rated stuff, but it’s more fun than DA imo.

I love it. Since they added all the new abilities to psychic link, a build that doesn’t use mind sear is actually viable for M+.

I still wish they would have just used my earlier idea and switched mind sear and shadow crash as filler/spender, but this is a good alternative

U say that spriests excel when given a breathing room but its very hard to get that breathing room, a long cool down root, a 30 sec fear and a stun are not enough when other classes have more tools to stay on u, u mentioned all this abilities like other classes then have that plus more, thats why spriests sre always trained in bgs and arenas and go ahead and tell me thats not true

They are trained because they can dumpster people if left unfettered. I say that other classes pair with them because they have solid CC, but the tradeoff is those people do less damage to manage the control portion of the fight. BG’s are a crap way to measure balance in any way shape and form since there’s so many variables.

Id say that locks, elementals, evokers, mages and hunters have way more burst than spriest maybe the only range that have less dps than spriest and thats a maybe is a balance druid but they will kite you all day, so all this classes will burst you if left to freely cast but only one of those doesn’t have tools to peel themselves off and thats why we all train spriest instead of any of the other classes i mentioned