Even with nerfs, priests are going to have the best kit in SoD after everything this dev team gave them. Best runes. Best QoL book. Best mana efficiency. Etc. No idea how they reel that back and I dont trust they have the manpower or time to get every other class to a point where they have all the treasures priests have.
100%. Priests have been given the strongest tools on top of the strongest baseline kit in the game.
Makes no sense
They are truly overpowered to the point where it’s just disgusting. Now excuse me while I go make one right now.
You may as well. SoD is supposed to be about fun runes and abilities. Priests have that in spades even if they get nerfed.
They got buffed shadow form for free without rune
Ret paladins still eating shxt with repentance at lvl 40, no buff. (it’s good in PVP but is just a gouge with 20y and 1 min cd)
Priest got a book that Summons, damage and regen mana
Meanwhile paladins got a rune for mana which Will reduce Your healing for 50% and it got nerfed now You can’t cancel the buff for healing without penalty but stop regenerating mana.
Sometimes i don’t understand what they are thinking.
And people are complaining about hunters, lol.
Every class have their nuke attached to a big CD or a major down side. Spriests have their nuke without cd nor downside. Absolutely busted.
i hate clips like this because they are just drama bait to farm views, you can hear him get power infusion right before he deaths and the buffs are edited out of the clip, to most people who view this they will just think its an average swd
- Mind Spike damage increased by 10%.
- Void Plague damage increased by 10%.
- Shadow Word: Death base damage before modifiers decreased by 40% and spellpower coefficient adusted to 42.9% (was 64.3%).
- Developers’ notes: Overall, this should result in a 33-40% damage reduction on Shadow Word: Death, depending on the amount of spellpower the priest has. Shadow Word: Death has been doing a larger percentage of overall priest damage than intended, and we feel like this could begin to put additional pressure on healers in PvE, as spellpower gear improves and the damage that priests inflict on themselves continues to scale upwards. It could also prove to be increasingly oppressive in PvP, as it’s an instant attack that can be used on the move, from range, with very little counterplay.