Shadow Priest Hero Talents Archon vs Voidweaver

In the perspective of someone just doing delves, world content and LFR/D. Is there any major difference between the 2? Or are the differences for min/maxer cutting edge types?

Voidweaver is arguably better for delves because it plays around shorter cooldown windows.

Also I think Voidweaver is significantly better for zekvir because you have a strong void torrent for every add.


That is good enough for this Velf voidweaver ShadowPriest :smiley:

As Hpellipsis mentioned, voidweaver benefits from shorter CD windows so for short lived targets or constantly shifting pulls (Things both LFD and Delves in particular feature quite commonly) it’s perfect, Archon really starts to shine when you can afford to ramp harder, and want stronger, longer burst windows, this is great for M+ and such but not really a necessity in most casual bite sized content :slight_smile:


Also like how the replacement for mind blast looks like Im shooting lasers from my arms

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Coming back to this. Just beat Zekvir ?? with voidweaver.

Very nice! I was on my hunter and he randomly popped up while I was half dead in the middle of waves in the minecar delve. At least I got a map out of it.

What ilvl were you and any specific spec? Im just running the wowhead ones

I was 617 ilvl.

These were my talents:

Every Egg Spawn was prep 45~ insanity beforehand followed by

Shadow Crash → Devouring Plague → Void Torrent → Devouring Plague → Void Blast → Void Blast → Mind Flay: Insanity → Shadow Word: Death → Shadow Word: Death

Used DA, Bender, and PI on the boss, but in P2 I started holding PI or DA if it was going to line up with an egg just for the added safety.


Thank you for the details!