Shadow Priest: Fun & interesting ideas

Since there seems to be a lot of doom and gloom in recent days, I decided to put this thread together as a repository for fun and interesting ideas relating to Shadow Spec since its clear the devs seem to be uninspired.

The goal is maybe something might sound interesting and cool enough to spark another idea from others and maybe together we can come up with some fun and unique forms of abilities / interactions that may one day find its way in some form or another into the actual game.

So let me start by sharing some I just came up with.

Here are some Vampiric themed ideas:

  • Vampiric Aura - While Vampiric embrace is active, allies within 40 yards convert 15% of damage done to into health. You also gain 5% of the damage they deal as healing.
    • This is a utility raid/pvp survival cooldown.
  • San’layn Thirst - Inflict an enemy with Blood Thirst, causing increasing shadow damage over the duration. This effect spreads to nearby enemies within 5 yards for 30 sec. This effect is removed once 20 yards away from another afflicted. 30 sec. cooldown.
    • This is supposed to act like a Spreading Plague but can be removed if the targets move apart from one another by +20 yards or until 30 sec.

Here are some Shadow Themed ideas:

  • Looming shadow - The total damage done by your first Shadow Word: Pain & Vampiric Touch on the target will be inflicted again after 15 seconds.
    • This acts like an echo “shadow” of all the dot damage from our 2 dots rolled into 1 instant meaty damage attack after 15 sec from the first time the target is afflicted by one of your dots.
  • Shadow Potency - Your Mind Flay causes your Shadow Word: Pain & Vampiric Touch to tick twice as fast and always be a critical hit.
    • This acts as an empowered Mind Flay but it only is effective if your dots are on the target and because of how it functions, it can only affect 1 target at a time and only during your Mind Flay channel.
  • Harness Shadows - Place a shadow zone on the ground with a 15 yard radius, applies Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch up to 8 enemies. 2 sec cast. Last for 5 sec. 30 sec cooldown.
    • This acts like our mass dispel spell when we can pick the area to target and once we cast it, it will instantly apply our dots to enemies within the area and any that would walk into the area for as long as it lasts.

Here are some Mind Themed ideas:

  • Manic Machinations - Assault the enemy’s mind, causing all movement to be inverted for 5 sec. 30 sec cooldown.
    • This acts kinda like a Scatter shot where you kind of loose control of your character. So if you are affected by this then if you move forward you would actually move backwards and if you move right you would actually move left etc.
  • Psychic link - Link your mind with your target, any damage either of you take or inflict, the other also receives. Last 10 sec. 1 min cooldown.
    • This acts like Touch of Karma from monks. Lets say you got a warrior coming for you, you can apply this on him and for the next 10 sec. any damage he does will be reflected back to him and you. Any damage you take will be reflected at him as well and this works the other way around as well.
    • So in a sense if he hit you for 1000 then he would take 2000 damage. 1000 damage because he hit you for that much and 1000 damage because you took that much. You would both take equal amount of damage in that scenario but if you have a healer keeping you up or leech effects in play, then he would just be destroying himself without you needed to do any damage.
    • This might have some application applied in PvE content or if placed on an ally but I haven’t thought about that aspect much yet.

That’s all i got for now. But ill add more if anything interesting comes across my mind.

I’m interested to see what others can come up with.

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what if Vampiric Aura was just a passive in shadowform that convert 15% of your damage into healing for only you but you Also have Vampiric Embrace which is an active that pumps the % to 75% and you heal yourself and 3 most injured allies.
so basically an Aura/Aura Mastery feel similar to pallys

San’layn still a talent that would reduce the cd by 45sec and make Vampiric embrace buff 100% and now you heal yourself and 4 most injured allies.

I think the straight-up 15% leech will help a lot when doing solo world content.


One of the goals with my Vampiric Aura idea was to make it so if we have to Disperse when we are low, getting trained on in PvP etc. Your allies can actually heal you up as well.
I was thinking maybe have Vampiric Embrace baseline as a CD you use to heal everyone else and this would empower that to allow you to still heal them but they can heal themselves and heal you as well.

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for Disperse i think they need to make the talent baseline and give it a 1min cd with cc immunity( and i mean full cc immunity)

if you think about it Disperse is one of the worst defensive cds in the game (its a bit better if you pick the talent) because ita a 6sec self stun but you still can be damaged and CCed(not snared but stuned and gripped). its made to be an escape but most of the time doesn’t work because other classes have the mobility to catch up with you or have hard cc to stop you from running away. You can’t do anything about it because you are stunned for 6sec by it. you can’t even heal yourself.

I think it should be a 1min cd that heals you for 50% of max health over 6 sec with full cc immunity.( no the heal is not to much because you can still be damaged and you cant heal yourself like other classes can when they pop there defensive cd. Actually you can’t do anything other then run. you can’t even fight back)

i don’t think the heal is to much because rogue got a heal for 20% of health on a 30sec cd.

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I mean that is one route. But I admit it doesn’t sound as fun or interesting though lol.

If anything, I think Vampiric Embrace should be a baseline ability that gives you 5-15% passive leech while in Shadow Form and when activated it gives you a lot more as you mentioned like 75% and it is smart split with other allies that need healing.

Then it can be augmented / empowered with my Vampiric Aura idea as a talent.

That I think would be fun and interesting while keeping a pretty decent defensive aspect in the form of the Passive/Active and with/without the Aura idea.


that sounds great. I would totally love to see it implemented in the game. it would definitely make leveling as shadow less dreadful.

however i still stand my ground with Disperse. using it in a bg just for a Dk to grip you or a dh to just jump to you and keep up with your mobility. oh and you still get damaged without being able to do anything about it.(other then pop PW:S which isn’t much)

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Harness Shadows - Place a shadow zone on the ground with a 15 yard radius, applies Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch up to 8 enemies. 2 sec cast. Last for 5 sec. 30 sec cooldown.
–This acts like our mass dispel spell when we can pick the area to target and once we cast it, it will instantly apply our dots to enemies within the area and any that would walk into the area for as long as it lasts.*

I actually really like this, almost like a Spriest themed ‘Ring of Frost’. I think PvP needs more of these space control type of spells.

My FUN idea is pretty simple. I just want a Glyph so that my shadowfiend (his name is bruce) instead of an awkward goody ball of flesh appears as a ‘shadow’ of the actual target its summoned on. I like the idea of turning a persons own shadow against them


You just gave me an CC idea.

It’s like Binding shot kinda?

Shadow Binding - Bind an enemy shadow to the ground. The target cant move more then 5 yards from that location for 10 sec. 30 sec cooldown.

Or maybe call it…

Engulfing Shadows - Spirits (Shadows) come forth from the ground to bind enemy targets in that area preventing them from moving for 10 sec. 15 yard radius. 30 sec Cooldown.

Maybe a damage component can be attached to it as well.


Lol the Mind Themed ideas…

Mani Machinations would be interesting, I know a lot of PvPers would be really annoyed with this since they don’t have backpeddle bound.

As for Psychic Link, it’s too similar to Touch of Karma to be actually implemented.

Combine holy and disc already… Shadow is so simple to fix, but I am sure they want that WOW factor with a complete rework, but my advice would be “you think you do but you dont…”. Just give what the community is wanting/expecting.

Suggestions: Devouring plague, make shields worth the mana, stop taking passives out of our class and making them talents/pvp talents because they become mandatory picks to have basic class function, get rid of void form, make insanity a resource we build to increase our damage so we constantly work to keep up and not something we build up to blow our load on and repeat, bring back orbs, or don’t bring back any of the “STUPID” secondary resources, let us play, good reflective shields either for just disc or baseline because our defensive are a joke and melee are not punished for sitting on us in arena, inner fire is a armor/holy flame shield with charges that damage the attacker like lightning shield, mind sear spreads shadow word pain, have shadow word death get a proc chance off shadow word pain to 100% crit on next cast, dispersion heals 50% and has evasion chance of 50%, greater fade baseline (PLEASE), let vampiric touch heals us for % of damage, embrace will buff the previous suggestion to a higher % and everyone in raid/party will receive the healing, prayer of mends and renew for disc (seriously…), shadowfiend… its a 3 min cd…does it even do anything…i think i press that button because there is nothing left to press, touch of weakness could be another big defensive reading: if you are melee hit within the next 6 seconds you apply a undispellable debuff that reduces the afflicted players damage output by %, a ability to shadowstep to your own teammates/allies and call it shadow swap (this is the reverse leap of faith mechanic that was drop for some reason), spectral guise, give mind blast a chance to randomly stun (we are attacking their mind aka blackout but for mind blast), another defensive could be a blessed recovery that applies a strong HoT or make it weaker as a passive, clear casting chance on being damaged.

I want to apologies for the grammer and chapter book. I am sure some troll will pick apart my grammer. I will try to clarify if someone doesn’t understand, but I am tired of typing.

The point of this post is to show that there are options and directions to go in. I feel blizz doesn’t know were priest should be compared to other classes. I am so sick of being passed up because I chose to play what I am faithful to (no pun intended) and passionate about compared to someone who picked the flavor of the month. Honestly, if a blizzard employee is some how reading this post, just remove priest from the game if you are not going to do something with the class. End my suffering…

This class probably has one of the most loyal followings besides rogue and possibly mail box dancers. I figured I should post this here since I really want change to the class and trying to help in anyway I can to make sure developer eyes can see we are trying to help and we are all on the same team.


Paragraphs, dude. You gotta break up that wall of text before anyone (most people) will read it.


If our mind blast crit as hard as that wall you just wrote. We wouldn’t need any changes. Just become a 1 button wonder lol.

Jokes aside, some good stuff in there. Some I agree and some not so much. I really liked the auto applying debuff on hit abilities. We got to make melee think for at least a second before auto focusing us lol.


You’ve copy-pasted this two additional times. Please stop spamming or else I’m just going to report your posts as spam since you’re not actually contributing to any discussion.

or you could just not read it and piss off

I apologies if re-posting this upsets you. My intention is to help; not receive negative attention. I will keep this in mind in the future.

I only apply this post were it is relevant. I am doing what I can to set change in motion. I do not post on the forums often.

I took the time to list out all my ideas in one post; so, instead of typing another wall of text worded differently but saying the same thing… I re-posted it here. I am sure you will find many of the people posting reply’s all saying the same thing just worded differently.

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It doesn’t upset me in the slightest. Spamming posts is quite frowned upon, virtually across every forum that exists. Your post is fine in whatever the first thread you posted it in, but just copy-pasting does nothing but add clutter.

I was unaware. Thank you for informing me. I’ll be sure to type it differently next time.

Lol, it would be a change we could all agree on, but at least it would be a “change” unlike now… QQ

I applied some edits. Thanks for the advice. I get so emotionally invested when I type about this subject. I forget to make it digestible.

I just thought of a “Fun” idea that also has some PVP implications.

At least one of our spells maybe more should ignore line of site.

We can: read, blast, vision, flay, sear and even control someone’s mind. Why would we need to SEE their physical body to do any of this?

I can understand it being OP in the hands of a super bursty class but if priest stay super easy to ‘kick’ with our moderately high sustained damage in PvP and are horrible(2nd worst maybe?) Mobility out of all the casting classes.

It should be fine on a hand full of spells? Right?

I’d nominate vampiric touch & I guess mid flay?