Shadow Priest feels bad

His team is a Blood DK, Frost DK, Unholy DK, Disc Priest, and himself.


I like the Conspiracy Thread about them doing a total rework to SP when the ā€œ5th Old Godā€ is revealed, and we get another choice in the Talent Keystones.

But, like I said in that thread. Its all Hopiumā€¦ Iā€™d like at least a buff to make my calculus rotation actually pay off in damage in the meantime.

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Hereā€™s a sad thought to cement how bad we are. If you had a MoP priest simply spamming VT on 8 mobs consecutively, you would be doing more damage than if you applied shadow crash and did your retail rotation. The first MoP VT would outdamage all 8 retail VT applications. The second MoP VT would our damage the psychic link damage. The third VT would out damage the single target spells, and the rest of them would be all the damage we donā€™t deal right now.


The root works in world content. So it does have some useful CC. Kiting is possible but not consistent.

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Iā€™m not surprised tanks (or any class with better mobility) are beating you considering how healthy tanks are and the nature of instanced content (it seems). We shine when targets have enough HP for us to ramp on. We do have some nice aoe and passive healing I think we seem pretty strong as usual.


I pump as shadow. Seems strong to me, i mian heals but im usually top dps or close when i swap to dps. Im liking archon

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