Shadow Priest feels bad

This is copium, though, even if it’s true. I agree, on a Fort +9 dungeon we will have enough time to really get all of our DoTs out, get our ramp going, cycling through dev plagues and MF:I with psychic link rolling. But why do we have to feel like garbage until then? Why are we so bad for 90% of the content so we can start to be somewhat viable for the last 10% of it?

Shadow Priest AoE is essentially target capped to 8. With Shadow Crash on a 20sec CD we have moment where newly spawned or add mobs are not getting cleaved by us. We have considerable GCD ramp to our full AoE potential meaning shorter duration pulls feel terrible. Our single-target DPS is simming at anywhere between 30% and 40% lower than some of the leading specs.

You can rationalize that ^ however you’d like. But it doesn’t feel great.


You’re playing with bads, then. My AoE DPS is around 800-900k on a good pull. I have moments with a big Halo in like Priory where I can hit maybe 1.2-1.4mil, but those are not frequent. The Arcane, Fury, Demo, Havoc, Ret, Elemental and Dev Evokers I’m playing with are doubling that. Are you doing 2.2mil? At i582 with 20% haste and good trinkets, I’m not.

Single target I’m so far behind my Ele shaman isn’t not even funny. My shaman is 10 ilvls behind and itemized like straight poop and simming 29% ahead of my Spriest. Who are you beating on single target sims?


EXACTLY! - I had an Ele Shammy pull 1.2m on every single trash pack, where I’d only get that while blowing every single cooldown I had. – Overall Meters at the end had the Shammy pulling 850k to my 500k.

Some pulls the tanks beats me because I don’t have any CDs. – I shouldn’t need to rely on a CD to beat the tank in DPS.


I’m trying not to judge my output on heroics at the moment.

Numbers are their own issue.

But as for gameplay, I’m really enjoying shadow. I was hoping for our dots to be a bit more of a threat, but the absolute POWER we have in those Insanity procs is SO good.

I generally agree with this. I find Voidweaver particularly fun to play. Archon feels like all Halo, and it’s a little more boring, but Voidweaver feels satisfying to hit my buttons. My four general requests at the moment are:

  1. A substantial damage buff. We’re 30% behind on AoE and 40% behind on Single Target from the front-runners. We do not need to be #1 DPS in the game for me to be satisfied, but I don’t want to be fighting a tank on the meters either
  2. Our DoTs feel like they only exist for our mastery. Why is 35% of my overall damage Mind Flay: Insanity? I’d like our damage to be better spread out throughout our toolkit, which probably does mean taking some out of insanity procs and putting it into our DoTs
  3. We’re woefully dependent on Shadow Crash. I’d like to see perhaps a 10sec CD, or two charges. I would also VERY much like to see Mind Sear make a return back.
  4. Our CDs should be instant cast. Casting Dark Ascension, Void Erruption and Halo feels bad. Why can’t these be instant cast?

you could always join the dark side and build full shadow apparitions while stacking crit haste, at least then if youre going to be bad you can have fun.

Please for the love of god don’t ask to take any of our instants away. The hard casting and lack of options to do damage while being tunneled is killing shadow in pvp. The only saving grace for the spec is precog and that’s just a bandaide fix to the bigger problem. I understand not being able to “press” all your buttons when they’re lit up might not feel good in pve but the lack of instants hurts the spec in pvp. No one wants to hard cast everything in this version of wow. Please don’t ask for this , it ruined the best version of shadow pvp I’ve seen and relegated us to complete punching bags. Much love and peace friend!!!

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Aoe is a joke for priest one freaking spell (shadow crash) and the mechanic to keep things going via psychic link seems very lazy.

Archon would have been the perfect spec to bring back mind sear but no dice.
I find myself trying to dot the mobs like a madman while the tank pulls at least 20 or so mobs before he stops. Then I pray that he stops so I can get my 1 and only shadowcrash down to get to the mobs I didnt manually dot up. If i miss my shadowcrash well… Might as well not even be there at all because its abysmal

It feels closer to DF S1 but there are still glaring issues with shadow . A ton of spells lack cohesion mindbender/shadowfiend and we still have to choose between defense and silence (that still has a really long cooldown)

Time for rework was during alpha and my worry is it will be half baked when they decide to do it because we all know its coming.


I didn’t want the instants taken away in PvE, or at the very least if they were going to remove them I wanted some kind of way to match the mobility it granted back in DF.

Instants aren’t a problem to me as much as an annoying amount of procs that happen during the height of a damage rotation.

Yeah that kind of eludes to what I’m saying because the procs made instants possible. I’m not asking to be a fire mage but 10.0 was preferable as a pvp player and I didn’t find it difficult for pve , granted I don’t run high end end game pve content.

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I think they’re referring to MFI with halo, not mind devourer, SI, or deathspeaker.

MFI needs a better ui, it looks like you can only hold 2 but it stacks to 4.

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Hmm I see , I guess the game is just completely different for pve’rs and pvp’ers. I have noticed that mfi only stacks to 2 on the ui. Shadow has been left in the dust compared to other specs in pvp and pve, hell priest as a whole feels expansions behind other specs and classes. It’s what it is, I know where all the buttons are and what they do so im going to give it hell at least for season 1.

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The buff physically stacks to 4. There are just only 2 indicators because it was a very late change.

Yeah I actually did not know this lol

With this knowledge the opener feels / looks a lot more hectic than it actually is. “Ignore the UI it’s lying to you” is never a great thing, but given the change came VERY late in development there was no time to make a new thing for it.

We need to keep these posts at the top, maybe blizzard will finally look at them

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So check this…


  • Ascendance has been redesigned – Transform into a Flame Ascendant for 15 seconds, instantly casting a Flame Shock and a 100% effectiveness Lava Burst at up to 6 nearby enemies. While ascended, Elemental Overload damage is increased by 150% and spells affected by your Mastery: Elemental Overload cause 1 additional Elemental Overload.

So Elemental Shaman (Caster DPS) major cooldown is still instant cast and now casts up to 6 Flame Shocks AND 6 Lava Bursts upon activation.

Meanwhile Shadow Priest (Caster DPS) still has to manually cast both our cooldowns lol.

My god this is just too funny because of how sad the situation has become lol.


Sounds like an Instant Cast version of Void Eruption that does 10-times the damage, while simultaneously applying DoTs.

If you were to make Void Eruption equivalent, it would read like this:

“Become one with the Void, instantly casting Vampiric Touch and a 100% effectiveness Mind Blast at up to 6 nearby enemies”

FYI: Flame Shock is a DoT that causes Lava Burst to be a guaranteed critical Hit.

Aneurysm pointed out the best part… Their “Transcendence” is instant cast.


Shadow is a Frankenstein of outdated talents and abilities that don’t fit in modern wow.

-Our talents have no synergy, Shadowy Apparition needs to go away forever.

-Our only source of AoE is locked outside a 20 second cd, just merge VT into SW:P and make it AoE baseline for shadow. There no reason for it to be 2 diferent spells anymore, it’s a relic from a time when dots were powerful and VT needed a cast time, now they exist only as a debuff to trigger procs, gain mastery and use psychic link. No other class with AoE dots has such restrictions and yet we are the only ones who require our enemies to have dots on them for our class to simply “function” at all…

-Turn Shadow Crash into an AoE spender that deals full mastery damage and can proc a free cast like mind sear used to but in this case it’s instant so no chance of getting interrupted. Put Shadow Crash on a choice node with Psychic Link.

-Void Weaver needs to be redesigned for Shadow so we get consistent damage, we don’t need another cooldown window that competes with Void Eruption.

-We have no mobility, pvp is hellish turret punching bag, perma interrupted and locked out of shadow spells.

The Devs don’t understand that buffing our damage doesn’t fix our disastrous class mechanics, especially in short aoe fights and pvp. I’m tired of raid damage charts being used as a metric to argue that Shadow Priest is doing fine.

I’ve given up on my priest after 3 expansions, back to Frost DK for me.


The problem is that the class has no niche anymore. All of our strengths were removed and were replaced with nothing. We are simply a worse version of every other class at this point. It’s playable as long as you can push a button and see something happen on the screen, but this class is in the gutter.