Shadow Priest Devouring Plague underperforming?

Curious why devouring plague is under performing, kinda long, math is shown. TLDR at bottom

I took some raid logs from an AQ20 tonight to compare why it is the lowest dps of all the spells.

For comparison, the tool tips for the compared dots are:

Void Plague - 1456 over 18, 242.66 per tick
Shadow Word: Pain - 852 over 18, 142 per tick
Vampiric Touch - 612 over 15, 122.4 per tick
Devouring Plague - 994 over 24, 124.25 per tick

Each pull was consistent rotation of before normal spells to keep the dots refreshed:

  1. Talisman of Ephemeral Power
  2. Devouring Plague
  3. Vampiric Touch
  4. Shadow Word: Pain
  5. Inner Focus
  6. Void Plague

I’m assuming since the main abilities are constantly refreshing all the dots. they would tick at their 3 sec interval regardless of when the duration is ‘refreshed’ and not cut off a tick.

Void Plague with Inner Focus should and is the clear main dot dmg.
SW:P should be 2nd.
Devouring Plague 3rd.
and Vamp Touch 4th.

Averaged stats for 5 boss fights (Kurinax, Moam, Buru, Ayamiss, Ossirian)

Void Plague
30.46k dmg
24.8 hits
1.3k avg hit
39.96% crit
345.2 dps

19.22k dmg
26.2 hits
718.24 avg hit
21.6% crit
206 dps

Vamp Touch
16.88k dmg
26.8 hits
642.58 avg hit
23.52% crit
185 dps

Devouring Plague
11.16k dmg
27.6 hits
404.7 avg hit
19.4% crit
121 dps

Devouring plague should be 3rd by a small margin over Vamp Touch, but its 4th but a wide margin? What am I missing?

TLDR - Devouring plagues is 64 dps lower than vamp touch, despite having doing 1.8 more dmg per tick than vamp touch…wtf?

Devouring is a minor patch buff they gave so they wouldn’t have to revert Shadow SP changes they did back in S1 + 2 that still are in place today.
Devouring Plague got some changes and had its coefficent changed just like every shadow spell.

It’s a bummer I’d really like a new rank of Shadow Word Pain instead of the naxx 2pc bonus damage. SWP is really really lackluster currently even with a 20% damage increase it still cant even perform like void.

its nice that all the AQ 20 books are for heals, would have been a nice addition. Using inner focus before Void Plague makes it a huge boost of dmg. Dev plague is definitely missing something on the back end. Not saying it needs to be number 1 of the dots, but make it worth not having fear ward for is all i’m asking lol, specially if the set bonus is built around it.