Shadow Priest AOE

100% agree and was just thinking about posting this exact thing this morning… nothing feels worse then watching your crash sail across to somewhere you tethered a full three seconds earlier that no longer has anything there…

Why not make it like SO MANY other ground targeted aoe abilities that are instant (rain of fire, earthquake, death and decay, blizzard, shadow fury, etc)???

The fact that if you happen to miss that first crash on a pull your aoe dps basically drops to below half of normal is mind blowing… nvm that our aoe is capped to 8 targets when plenty of specs have uncapped aoe

Like seriously blizz… every shadow priest on the planet is BEGGING you… please :pray:t3:

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This only works if said dot damage outdamages the burst focused classes. We know it does not. Fire is an infinitely burstier class, no less damage. Outlaw rogue has burst, no less damage.

DoTs are all drawback and no perks, especially as they’ve moved to make at most 1-2 spread council dot fights per tier and virtually none of the dungeons.

Even with burst casters, the time it takes them to push out damage because they work off slower builder spender systems than melee, we see braindead retribution paladins vomit unholy amounts of burst aoe that still stays high sustained with a single neuron rotation, similar for outlaw rogue, yet casters have to play the dot and ramp piano.

When Ruby Life Pools makes it back to the rotation I also expect melee to shoot up in relevance as the second floor add casts are rather dumb and for some reason casters not only suffer a survivability penalty disadvantage (leaving aside mages, all melee have more base health, self healing and stronger defensive cd’s than most casters) compared to melee, but have interrupts on twice to six times the cd (hello Solar Beam, which actually does not silence as it says on the tooltip, it just functions as an interrupt with a tiny radius that at best may interrupt 2 mobs every 1 minute).

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at least once or twice on every dungeon run I cast Shadow Crash and it goes to Narnia (and I swear I can hear the mobs laugh). Sometimes it is blocked by an invisible pixel on the ground, or a stalagmite or a rock or a tree… or a dev eating popcorn.
It’s a thrill… “will it work this time?”


You’re post tickled me :joy:

Ever since Blizz got the idea that being able to multi dot and damage multiple targets at once should not provide a dps advantage, dots have become nothing but a chore for every dot spec.

Sometimes when my camera is zoomed all the way out mine decides to land on the ceiling. It’s one of those moments like “Why is that even possible?” :expressionless:

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I get that they need to be balanced properly in raids, but then they went and gave melee and mages insane burst cleave, except the burst comes with no drawbacks and is just as high sustained DPS as the dots with less ramp up and none of the extra GCDs.

And this is just compounded in M+ where trash packs don’t live as long as raid bosses, and they comprise the majority of a dungeon, we are paying a tax as a caster subtype on top of the already crappy caster tax of less survivability, longer cd interrupts, no instant aoe stuns, etc.


Can’t think of a single player who would be upset by this. You probably have to nerf how many targets it hits for that to work though.

Needs brought back if anything just for the visual.

I kind of hate this. I don’t want to spend a bunch of time just channeling mind sear for dots. It would be super boring.

Mind Sear’s best iteration by a mile was as a spender in 10.0.

If you didn’t have to cast VT they probably have to nerf it’s damage.

If you’re moving you can cast SWP so you’re doing some damage instead of no damage.

But what if I want to add a couple targets cause the pull is for 10? This is removing some minor skill expression.

I don’t think anyone would enjoy shadow crash as a spender if you read through this thread. If they’re going to add a choice node for spending put mind sear back. It was actually insanely fun in 10.0, especially when it was juiced up from the 2 piece.

I don’t see the problem with this. It’s very much a skill check and that’s not a bad thing.

Yeah this works too, needs a cooler animation though. If I’m picking between this and a shadowy visually/audio themed Cascade it’s not close atm. Why do damage if I’m not going to look like a sick void lord while doing it?

You can either have dots that deal decent damage, or you can limit the amount of targets that can be dotted, you can’t have both so long as our AoE and Mastery are tied to dots. I would prefere it be limited to 6 actualy, would make both our dots and psychic link easier to balance.

We literally have both right now though.

So you don’t play M+ at all then? That’s all I’m hearing when I read this. There’s specs capped in the 5 target range and they almost always fall behind in M+.