Publik (the well-known shadow priest theory crafter from warcraftpriests dot com and discord), has put out a video talking about the Shadow Priest in Shadowlands Alpha. It’s well worth a watch and gives a good overview of the problems and issues, but also the positives, of the Shadow Priest in its current state.
youtube dot com/watch?v=cip4ehGpN_Y
(cant do direct links here sadly)
Please give it a watch, especially those of you who are arguing for/against shadow form since he’s not openly demanding it be removed but does explain its issues. He discusses the debate on these forums around 12-13 minutes but the whole video is well worth the watch.
I agree with him, that this current version of Surrender to Madness is the worst of all iterations.
2 minute cooldown. 25s duration… For soloing this is kind of works to kill one or a couple of targets, but for bosses, this is completely garbage. If your party got it down to 25s left of combat, chances are that everybody is doing mechanics correctly, etc and you won’t really need this kind of execute.
Especially when compared to how useful the other 2 options are.
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How did you manage that? Thought you couldnt do direct links. Did you embed it somehow?
Direct links are enabled to trusted sites at rank 2 (I think).
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Maybe only some people can do it.
But you can post links to videos like youtube.
But not links to sites i think.
Site links is rank 3, as is gifs.
Rank as it profile rank?
How do you check your rank?
Thanks for the link to the vid.
I’ve appreciated Publik’s educated input over the state of the spec over the past couple of testing periods.
Edit after watching:
Yeah, it’s pretty much nailing it, and very reminiscent of the feedback given for BFA Alpha.
Another edit:
For anyone needing to link on the forums, use the </> tool, or place ` at the start, and end side of the line.
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