Hi! I recently returned for Shadowlands and I am looking for a serious raiding guild who focuses on progression, I am pretty much available at all times but late night raiding works for me, I have discord which is devv#0666 and my bnet is rebdomine#11498
I haven’t seen a lot of guilds on my realm so changing realms will probably be an option for me.
Thank you!
ZJ is high pop and have a high volume of guilds!
ZJ is a massive horde server, with like 50k ish horde and 5k ish alliance. unfortunately not as many established guilds on the ally side. best of luck in your search!
oh rip ally
Zul’jin no my friend go Hyjal.
Hey Mayhem, this is Wub with STARVD on Bleeding Hollow. We’re looking to add to the roster with a few good people. I’m not going to waste your time with a page of guild spam but just give you the basics:
Server: Bleeding Hollow - Horde
Raid: T/TH/Sun 6:30-9:30 (Central US) We may add an optional day for progression.
Tenure: Previously on Stormreaver starting in mid SOO *2013 we’ve moved to Bleeding Hollow for Shadowlands.
Loot: we’re embracing personal loot while it is an upgrade but then will move to Loot Council for the benefit of the team and mythic progression.
Apply at discord.gg/rm3qgEF
Me: Btag: Mutumba#11705 Discord: Wub#9938(most important)
A fair number of our players have been getting CE or better for multi tiers in the past. We’ve all kept a great friendship in wow as well as other games and hope that you’ll want to be apart of our extraordinary community! Maybe we’re the right fit for you and you might actually enjoy being horde. Keep your options open and hit me up. Nothing wrong with chatting