Shadow-Pan Flurry Strikes

Granted my gear isnt optimized for WW as its mainly set for MW and trinkets and what have you, but my overall damage seems low, especially the hero talent damage.

Is the entire point trying to optimize as much damage as you can within the 240 energy spent to proc flurry strikes? The more damage you do, the more flurry strikes does?

You can only stack up to 10 flurry charges, which is fairly easy to do within 240 energy windows, so it’s really just a passive effect with some flavor. Most of the value of the tree comes from the other talents, like Veteran’s Eye and Wisdom of the Wall.

You get to 10 stacks almost immediately, so thats not a concern. The main damaging component of Flurry Strikes comes from Wisdom of the Wall: Shadow which deals a buttload of damage for every flurry strike. You definitely want to try and get three flurry strikes off during that time (Initial, one at 20-25 seconds remaining, one at 0-5 seconds remaining)

Its mostly passive so you don’t need to worry too much about it.

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