Shadow needs some QoL changes already

I didn’t notice most of the issues until I started playing alts, shadow still feels like a victim to ramp-up, especially with AoE.

Casting VT while waiting for enemies to be in a tight group while the rest of the party is going ham is annoying. Second charge would be amazing.

Mobility is also an issue. Feels like I’m in a wheelchair while everyone else is zipping around. Why do we need Feather and Body and Soul? Kind of redundant. Replace something with Door of Shadows, really miss this /cry

Remove cast time off DA and Void Eruption, feel like this one is long overdue… Burst setup feels clunky. Shadowfiend + PI + DA/Ver + Halo/Void Torrent. Haven’t tried PvP yet but all this screams “kick me”.


Shadow is the kick simulator for melee to practice on. I feel pretty powerful in bgs if no one attacks me but as soon as the warrior/dk gets on me it feels like punching bag simulator until I get a peel or they lose interest then back to pumping. It’s an underwhelming playstyle imo. Some instant procs would be nice in addition to mobility. Ohh and as you’ve mentioned having to hard cast everything in this iteration of wow feels bad in comparison to every other spec I play.


Agree with this. I think having a casted CD is kind of insane at this point in the games life. Every single ranged has their major cds being instant, its kind of crazy shadow doesnt.

On top of that, not only is it casted but there is also the ridiculous ramp time. No other ranged in the game has ramp like this, as far as I know, no melee do either since unholy dk ramp got fixed.

I have a casual friend who plays shadow and again his major complaint was that the ramp feels so bad in the content he does. Things just die before he really gets a chance to blast and even if he does get to his cds he just hates how long it takes to get there.

These things definitely need to be looked at. I personally love shadows gameplay, but the ramp time and cast time on large CDs (voidform/DA) really needs to change.


Honestly feels like shadow is always a few expansions behind when it comes to changes, so don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll see them in a xpac or two!

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Eh I have higher hopes I mean I have watched the devs implement direct feedback from players especially this beta cycle, they just really need to figure out whats up with their beta cycles in general. Like why is it that even when classes are at the forefront of an expansion as a feature some are still being released in a state that they shouldnt really be. Its only a few, but still.

I know DF beta was a bit of a mess due to a few healer specs losing their primary developer like halfway through, and they did a lot of work in df overall with reworks but I thought we would see a lot more regular level changes and reworks for classes that needed it throughout this cycle. They need to figure that out.

edit- Also communication. We cant have some specs/classes getting 10 posts while other specs get the “recap of changes” posts that every class/spec gets and thats it, aka priests. That needs to improve too and this is what tells me there is some sort of issue with their beta cycle class development team, might not even be individuals specifically maybe the structure of how they go about that is just bad i have no idea but it needs help.

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Hopefully with Xala’tath being the spriest BFF we get some attention. Not just with the balance changes but cosmetic too. Would love to choose previous versions of shadowform and have our light spells like PWS and feather have a shadow theme.

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Fully agree with that, they could do so much more with visual customization in wow its completely untapped potential.

Glyphs are definitely the best way to go about it I think since we already have that system, maybe just allowing us to buy a glyph and add it to a collection so we can use that glyph anytime we want or remove it anytime we want would be a nice kind of update to get for this.

Theres a lot for priest they can do with glyphs too that also enhance spec fantasy.

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Ramp up has always been bad but it feels worse in TWW. Bost Hero Talents take about 10s to get rolling, and that’s not even counting every, single, cast, we have to do beforehand.

You want to spend all your CDs to pump in AOE?

  • Cast VT multiple times since your shadow crash won’t hit everything and the radius is tiny.
  • Cast DA or w/e cooldown you want to use
  • Cast Halo (or if you’re VW, channel your Void Torrent that does laughable damage)
  • TRY To get enough insanity to FINALLY cast DP for our mastery proc

Now you have to either sit there, and wait for Halo to ramp up for the increased damage proc about 10s, or if you’re VW try to spam into the target to increase the duration of the rift. The rift collapsing also does zero damage, so you have that to look forward to lmao

By the time you usually even get the Halo cast off, and it slowly flies over to the enemies and comes back, everything is usually about 50% health already.


Tried out shadow so my opinion might be wrong, but from leveling in dungeons it’s aoe definitely takes too long to ramp up. It also suffers heavily from cooldowns not flowing. Shadow crash is so slow and tanks can easily pull stuff out of the area causing you to now sit there for 20s doing single target because tab targeting VE at 1.5s a pop isn’t really going to help much. Also isn’t fun to be mid AOE and have to decide do I do another SC or wait so I have it next pull? You can’t use SC before everything is grouped up so you lose valuable AOE time. You can’t cast VE on the move, so best you can do is SW:P or holy nova, which seems odd. Halo can be cool once it gets going but it’s also pulses slow and it’s cast time means you can’t cast it on the move. Any groups that were dropping packs quickly caused my damage to drop to close to the healer, time to ramp up though and it was alright but not amazing.

Changes I’d make in my inexperienced opinion. SC with no cooldown, maybe 5s max, and larger AOE it’s the only way to spread VE/SWP in a timely manner and your AOE hinges on it. Halo instant cast and moves a little faster, maybe with more waves but less damage. DP needs to have some sort of spread mechanic…it’s a plague. Even if it’s a lesser plague and only spreads 1 per second to VE targets it would at least warrant it’s name.

Pretty much, and it doesn’t gel with the direction the game has been heading. Lack of on demand AoE burst, laughable damage outside CDs, no mobility, meh group utility (if any at all really? There’s PI I guess…).

It’s the same problem shadow always seems to have, we need a way to AoE short lived targets reliably. Ramp-up is ridiculous in this xpac. Really wish they’d change the mastery too.