After testing the new dungeons on ptr it seems pretty obvious that some of them are absolutely god awful to try and manage dots (meadery is an actual nightmare). Why is shadow crash still targ capped to 8 mobs? I don’t mind having to dot but spending 15s spamming vt before I can begin sending cds just for the mobs to be half dead already feels so unrewarding and unfun. The class would feel much less like a slog if blizzard actually added another shadow crash charge, removed the cap, or even added a cd reduction to shadow crash (maybe per insan spent).
I keep asking myself the same question. Its not like the forums haven’t asked Blizzard for a second charge or a 10 sec CD since it first cane out.
That’s still the wrong solution. Shadow Crash was never designed to spread dots, it’s radius is small and doesn’t scale with enemy hitboxes like other on target aoe abilities. If you launch it on a fat nerubian lord, it won’t hit any of the adds around.
-Just turn Shadow Crash back into a burst damage spell.
-Give Shadow Priests a baseline AoE dot that merges SWP and VT into a single spell.