Shadow Crash question

Is there any reason to choose the version of Shadow Crash that targets a location over the one that goes off your target?

It’s easier to center the AoE over the most mobs if you target it yourself. Oftentimes the one you target will end up on the outside edge of the group and your spell won’t hit all of the mobs in the group. Especially if you target a caster and the tank moves the group over while the caster stays put and casts. The spell is slow enough to cause problems and I think that the player tends to know where the center of the pack is going to be and it’s rarely where a single, specific mob will standing two seconds after you cast.

I do use the targeted version of the spell at the moment so that my gameplay is more focused around pushing buttons on the keyboard instead of wasting time doing the double-action of a ground targeted spell. It’s not as efficient but it’s easier (lazy).

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The ground-target option is more accurate, but demands a bit more from you as a player. The target-option one is brain dead easy, but might not hit every mob in the pull. You’re trading convenience for accuracy. For most players, the mob-targeted one is probably better, because who cares if you only hit 6 of the 8 mobs in the pack, you’re not pushing keys, you’re not parsing, it’s whatever. For serious players, you’ll likely want to stay with the ground-targeted one to really maximize psychic link.

All that said, in BGs, I’ve been preferring the targeted one. It follows people. PvP is much more mobile than PvE and I’ve seen my shadowcrash follow a monk through a chi-torpedo. Very nice.

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They should call it turtle crash. God bless death grip, typhoon and tanks that run so fast.

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You can use /cast [@cursor] Shadow Crash to skip the green circle and just have it go wherever your mouse is.

You also lose the ability to fire shadow crash where something will be, which can also be extremely useful given the spell’s travel time.

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