This ability has no business being in the talent tree. It should be made baseline of it is going to be so much stronger than any other talent on the tree.
shadow crash is mandatory and you need to spend 2 points, crazy
Shadowcrash is the main dot distribution… we need that! So much faster than trying to tab and cast VT on everything.
If it’s going to stay how it is, make the second talent give Shadow Crash a second charge. Not having Shadow Crash available for a new pack feels bad. The new talent kind of helps with missing but you can’t really aim it if packs aren’t stacked.
From a PvP standpoint, casting is already a hassle, one extra instant cast that applies our dots would be huge. Our dots are such an integral part of our rotation. Our dispel protection is laughable compared to warlocks, and I think another means of instant application would help.
This would be fantastic.
Shadow Crash itself should just apply dots as a baseline at this point. The second talent should just give us a second charge. I’m sure not everyone wants/needs a second charge so that opens up a point somewhere else as well.
Shadow Crash is one of the talents behind the reasoning of our DoTs hitting for , lets be honest bugger all. Our DoT
s dont feel impactful at all unless you have all 3 on, talent Screams of the Void & Psychic link.
I think something needs to change to make priest DoT`s more impactful again, im no expert but what if it was more like Disc ? VT+SWP, Casting Mindblast (possibly SW:D) spreads them to more targets similar to penance spreading… they could tick for more damage since the aoe spread is slower and would make single target better ?
Like my character isnt rocking any form of awesome gear, but at ilvl 566 VT is ticking for about 27k, SW:P is 14k… and my racial Touch of the Grave is hitting for 11k… like seriously i have like 3.7million health that SW:P is doing sweet F*$k all, and a racial is almost competing with it !!!
Our DoT damage is shameful but as long as our mastery and psychic continues to gate our damage behind them, they need to be applied to all targets asap. I’d prefer a change to our mastery, removal of shadow crash, and for our aoe damage to come from exploding apparitions instead of psychic link. This would allow for DoTs to be worth casting for their damage again. Blizzard seems to have a hatred for efficient DoT damage though.
hope they read this
Shadow crash didn’t always have a 8 yard radius did it?! I feel like I’m hitting so many less targets in pulls now
The fact Shadow Crash is a talent by itself is just bad design. It does laughable damage by itself. Who will ever take Shadow Crash without the DoT application talent as well?
The fact it isn’t baseline is terrible design. Like mindboggling terrible. As I said above, if it stays a talent, make the first node give shadow crash & apply our dots. Second node should be a second charge. Especially now that delves are a thing and dotting multiple packs at a time is pretty optimal and also just more fun.
I don’t think anyone finds it fun being able to only Shadow Crash one pack and then spamming VT on the other 6+ mobs in 1-2+ other groups all in different areas.
Just bumping. Anyone else really think a second charge would be good and fun?
Maybe remove the damage entirely from the first talent.
First node - Shadow Crash - Aim a bolt of slow-moving Shadow energy at the destination applying Vampiric Touch to all enemies within 8 yds.
Second node - Shadow Crash now has two charges and deals (68.7926% of Spell power) Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds.
Yup a second charge would be great or something to that effect. We depend so heavily on this for our AoE.
I get blizz is going to put mandatory or iconic abilities on the talent tree. Like Ele earthquake or destro havoc. But why is shadow crash being two talents half way down the left that gets me
Because it’s too powerful to be a single talent so they had to up the opportunity cost for taking it.
That’s also a good point. You go half your levels not being able to multi dot targets without just tab VTing everything. Maybe the Shadow Crash talents should switch spots with the Psychic Horror & Silence talents or the Dispersion talents.
Doesn’t make it feel any better that our talent tree is bloated with these 2/2 nodes all over the place, and FORCING you to take TWO whole talents just to be able to dot multiple mobs when it should be baseline is trash
Don’t even get me started on how we have to SPEND TALENTS ON DISPERSION AND OUR INTERRUPT. I literally can’t think of another class that specs into defensives and a interrupt on their right side tree? Other than maybe lunar beam from druids, but that class is arguably also in a terrible spot
With the exception of some individual raid bosses, there’s really no end game content where you wouldn’t take the 2pt shadow crash.
So with that being said, I tend to agree that the first node should apply all of our dots and everything (because who in their right mind would only take the first node in its current state ) and the second node should be the 2nd charge.
in a lot of endgame content, you wouldn’t need that 2nd charge, which could open more options, but it would really help the flow of the content that would most benefit from it
Or just make it baseline and add the 2nd charge as a node
Would definitely love a second charge as it’d solve some of our issue, but knowing blizz balancing methods, they’ll probably neuter shadow some other way.