You were an awesome player, and radical company, Moondrely! Recognized the name immediately.
Heck yeah! TC’s original core players all left after BC’s launch. Good to see you around, dudeson!
I’m pretty sure you’re thinking of FallingStar. That’s who was the Night Elf main tank at the time I was in Luna.
-Constance, 60 Human Mage
-Sarlencia, 60 Human Warlock
That’s right! I remember Fallingstar, they always gave me a very good duel. I must have spent hundreds on respecs to beat them and other more durable people. Does anyone remember the name of the paladin who had Hand of Ragnaros?
Definitely remember the guilds. Archetype X was the #1 contender for so long.
Wow some of these guild names are a blast from the past.
I played on Shadow Council until I moved over the The Scryers during BC.
Aduialwen - NE Hunter
Elenaltarien - NE Priest
Imladris Elite
Beatha Síoraí
Silverhelm etc here from Dwarven Council then Knights of Apocalypse.
Great times back then! Mostly trying to run to every world pvp alert, and run away screaming when it was Black Omen ! Unless Tamlin and gang were there, then i could hide behind them.
So many of the great old super guilds on here, Saddhus, ArchetypeX, Black Omen, Order of Nightsabre, Confederation, etc.
Good to see everyone later ! I’m being pulled back in…for nostalgia’s sake.
I remember you as well. I’m not sure that I’m jumping into classic but I figured it never hurt to check for old friends who may return.
I’m still kick it on Moon on Shadow Council, running with the Meddler’s these days. But I’ve ran with many, Le Loupe Garou, The Bane, Second Wind, Slash Win, Light Brigade, Mystic Hope, Kingdom Hearts and did a lot of side stuff with Night Sabers, Southern Cross and a few others over the years.
Hi! Reisha formerly with Confederation here. NE Druid. It’s good to see all of you. I server hopped a lot after BC and took a break for a long time. I hope you all are doing well.
Hi Salicia, Reisha here from Confederation. I hope you are well.
I’m going Stalagg, Horde side. Never brought a Horde character in Vanilla, so I thought it was about time.
Do you remember this name?
I have BoV parade screen shots still.
Jaszuna, Resto Druid - Blades of Vigilance
Hi Wall
Yeah of course! How have you been? I’d love to see those screenshots sometime, I was planning on bringing out my old pc and dig up old screenshots myself.
Loaded question lol In a nutshell. I am doing excellent nowadays. Had a few years of very rough medical situations. Glad to be alive! How have you been? Hope all has been well.
I had my screen shots all over the place, went fishing around for them last night. I found our Rag server first kill shots and I have screenshot of when Augimice says “it dropped nothing lets leave”, I have our Lord Kazzak server first screen shot, bunch of Molten Core fighting shots, kill shots and it looks like only 1 Iron Forge gathering shot. (and a few random shots) I though I had more.
I was horrible at taking screenshots back then and my UI was just junk LOL. I’ll make a Facebook Blades of Vigilance group page for former members to upload screen shots. Easiest place to share pictures. The page is searchable as Blades of Vigilance
Glad you pulled through it all. Vasriia and I got hitched and all has been great. I’ll keep an eye out for the FB page and hopefully I’ll have stuff to share too. You can add me if you want: ElusiveRogue#11490
Hey, Paghan, you remember a paladin named Guanping? Sadly he’s now an alt named Lightside on Stormreaver server. Hiraiyuki#1502 if you wanna reconnect. That goes for any of my other fellow Confeds!
added you I’m Jaszy#1120
Congrats on your marriage!!! That is awesome
Back in Vanilla I played Bigpockets (warlock) in Society of Friends and Bevah (hunter) in Acta Santorum. Looking for old friends, especially Lianella. We used to sit at the camfire in Uldamon telling stories. Looking also for Astin (spelling?) who used to manage ZG and AQ25 raids and Gwa, the best gnome mage I know/knew.
I’ll be playing alliance on Mzyrael in Classic.
Order of the Nightsaber
Andominous (Dom)
Main Tank for the guild from MC all the way through to BC.
Other toons
Melaluca - priest
Woodsman - hunter
fuzzybum - druid