I remember Zelieo
I had a lv. 60 paladin in a guild called Azure Dreamers. From around 2005 to the first year or so of BC.
Lot’sa names I recognize.
Ginzo/Tenkutsu, use to be a Rogue in BoV.
Hated Black Omen.
Yooo Wrathar here!!! I also had the priest Peacebringer! I remember like all of you lol I was the dueling hunter outside IF like anytime of the day!!
My memory is bad I remember being in a few guilds, but mostly Pink Omen and the legendary Mages Powers lol!
I’m looking for Enkaii the rogue and just about anyone else I played with.
I’m now named PresdantKush alliance side on Heartseeker.
Hey hey peeps. Fyxie here, human female rogue. Also Sakuri, night elf female druid. I was in Confederation. Bounced to sisters of Elune with the transfers and ended up raiding on Cenarius for quite a while. Back and playing Classic now.
Yo man!! So crazy the names I am seeing on here!!
OMG ya’ll, I am adding Guan right now holy cow!
Never expected someone to remember. Glad someone does!
We are doing well! Feel free to contact us if you’d like to chat more!
Rytharin! Omg! If he remembers me, tell him Mooniaria (BM Hunter The Destined) says hello
Ryushi & Squallangel remember you!
Pink Omen represent.
Woah, saw all the old Mages Powers members posting and knew I had to post. I’m filled with so many memories seeing the guild names pop up in here! I’ve still got my rogue kicking on Shadow Council, and I’m starting up classic!
Ursine Paladin- Mages Powers(lol) WotLK Main tank. / Founding member.
Swiftdagger/Nisany(Rogue) - The Silent Blades & Just Got Banned
(posted on a terrible alt first >.< that’s on brand.)
I used to play a bear tank named Gantrithak.
Hello All,
Somehow started playing again, wondering if any of the old guard were still around. Used to play:
Jertornas - Night Elf Warrior
Khai - Human Rogue
Played in Ordo Victrix, Infernum, briefly in Archetype X.
Haven’t been around since I think WotLC
Hi, I was Teranar, Human Paladin in the Meddlers back in the day, I’m running around as Teranar the Human Warrior in WoW Classic.
Edit: Oh I see Crystaria, Marrika, and Jertornas all as people I recognize! I’ve sent a couple emails Marrika’s way, dunno if she got them, hope you’re all doing great! If you wanna give me a poke on BNET I’m Sefrah#1860
Yo! I remember you Shad, I played a Dwarf warrior named Anagmarius
Dwarf warrior named Anagmarius
Raided with AOTW and played with people from Archetype X
Some key people from the raiding guild who’s names still resonate but not sure if they play anymore are:
Gutelrak (not sure if the spelling is right, he was our main tank)
Nydawn - dwarf priest
Cadoo - dwarf priest
Shaddancer - hunter
Man, my mind is racing down memory lane now, I’m sure more names will come to me soon and as I keep scrolling this forum page