Click to queue for the Shado-Pan Showdown brawl and I receive the text error “Join as group failed”. I remember this being an issue periodically for years. I thought it was fixed.
It would be nice if they fixed Deepwind Dunk as well.
having same issue here too
Same here. Join as group failed.
It says you have to queue as a group, at least that’s what my screen says, thats cool unless you are like me a solitary player that doesn’t play with to many people in the game. All is good I was taking most of this week off, since there is no Comp Stomp to play and just playing two games a day across two toons. Slow week in pvp for me.
literally the only brawl that pops for level 70’s.
i mean popped like past tense.
this bg hasn’t worked for me since start of xpac. tried to join as group with 2 people, then solo, then with more. just doesn’t work. gave up on this brawl. such as shame since i look forward to the weekly brawl.
Sorry guys they are to busy selling reskin and colored sha mounts for $40 dollars and a xmog you cant even use til the end of July…maybe. They might fix it after midnight launch.
Yo, NERDS! Fix this! This chud wants to zug zug!
Hasn’t this been broken for years?
No. Just this season I think
Nah, it’s been off and on for a few years now.