I can’t seem to queue for this brawl by myself, unless they are forcing people to queue as a group of 5 since its a 5v5. That defeats the purpose of quick match category if this is intened because most people do these since they can queue alone and do BGs whenever they want.
This is happening to me as well, and it seems to be a known bug reported last back in August. Ridiculous.
happening to both me and my boyfriend. “join as group failed” error every time
I keep getting that message too every time I try to que for it.
Solo queue and group queue both say Join as group failed.
Confirmed, this week’s brawl not working.
When you try to queue it says “Join as a group failed” be it solo or in a group.
ya doesn’t work for me
happening to me as well. this stinks.
Yep, exact same bug as the last time it was scheduled. That time, it was removed after a day or so and replaced with another brawl. I assumed they would fix the bug before putting it back on schedule… Guess not
yup! happens to me every time too. i havent been able to try it since it was released…and if you’re trying for conquest you dont get any extra now. or any for the weekly brawl =[
Triple AAA x3 title folks!
Pretty sure this happened the last time this Brawl was up too. If I remember like half way through the week they just changed it to another. Not sure why it either hasn’t been fixed or is still in the rotation…
Day 3, third reset, brawl still doesn’t work. This going to be addressed or just ignored until next weekly reset? This brawl was actually fun until it broke, not sure why it remains in the rotation if it’s just never going to be fix…
I’m unable to queue as well and this is my favorite brawl. So irked.
Man, its a good thing they spent good amount of time to add a new Store X-mog
Bliz, please fix your horrible que issue
I am also not able to queue for this brawl. Seems insane that content goes unfixed for this long for a game we pay subs for.
seems like blizz doesnt care that much lol
I would assume you are correct Bimo, no response for it and it has been for days now.
Still can’t queue. Guess we’ve been abandoned.