Shado-pan Monks

Even though Shado-pan are not all monks, it is going to be one of the Hero specs for the monk class.

I feel “eh” about that after seeing the talents but I’m sure it will be okay.

We have a Shado-pan hat and I am hoping in War Within we will get the complete Shado-pan transmog set. I have a handful of mogs that closely resemble that set but I still want it.

That’s all this thread is about. Discuss how amazing monks are, and why you play one or why you’re too afraid to play one. :slight_smile:

Mage power!!!

Still suspect it’ll be the heritage armor. :8ball::robot:

There’s even two small differences on the outfits. :art::robot:

I just did a wing of LFR and led all DPS on my Monk, that was fun, Monks are neat

This is a great description of the Shado-pan tree. It’s “eh.” Everything is passive, and nothing in our rotation changes, so we’ll be doing the exact same thing we always do. I have 0 excitement for it.

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Won’t like, kind of wish Shado-Pan was a Rogue tree. Probably Subtlety/Assassination. Though I suppose Outlaw wouldn’t be out there. Ninjas did use explosives in their work.

Seems that way. At least they didn’t build a whole hero spec around crackling jade lightning… I guess? :crazy_face:

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Aren’t all official Shado-Pan monks due to unarmed combat is the base of Pandaren combat? Like their war dancers fight with one handed blade so they have a free hand. And even their archers and such if put to melee are trained for CQC.

Personally not a fan of all races having access to Shado-Pan title and such, like a goblin being a grand magitrix or something.

I mean… I would be bothered if they went the lazy route and gave us that but at the same time, at least I’d have it.

I am hoping for something more elegant like Emperor Shaohao or something cool like Chen Stormstouts outfit.

Yeah that’s true, but they also have mages and such and I guess that’s more what I meant. All canonical Shado-pan practice martial arts at least, as we see in Shado-pan Monastery. I also read the book with Voljin and the Shado-Pan so it’s coming back to me now lol

Shado-Pan seems like a choice that made sense in someone’s head but if you think about it for more than 5 seconds you realize the flaws of it. Look at this Troll Monk who is now a Shado-Pan, a group that has no interaction with the outside world, has had no development since MoP, and was extremely wary of outsiders (even after they had been cleansed). But nope, Vulpera Shado-Pan

The Stormstouts would be a fun adventure for the heritage quest. :robot::+1:

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Are Hozen Monks called Monkeys?


God dammit…here :blue_heart:.

Also, if you don’t have the Shado-Master title and use the Shado-Pan tree, you’re a big nerd

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What if I’m more of a Conduit of the Celestials kinda player

That’s cool too and that is actually the Hero tree I’m more excited about.

Super disappointed in the talents frankly. All I see are percentages really. It’s excel spreadsheet the hero class.

I had tempered my expectations after seeing the first round of Hero talents. I do think it’s kind of underwhelming especially for something so lore heavy but I also think it could be worse!

Celestials should probably rock the Master of the Ways title.

Actually, “of the Four Winds” would probably be an even better option.