Shado-Pan Assault Still Not Giving Rep

I haven’t gotten any rep by doing normal today. I’m going to check LFR.
BTW, my rep is at friendly 4799.
Even emperor Shaohao is at honored, so I guess I didn’t notice I wasn’t getting rep.
Wish Blizz would send rep tokens for those who are experiencing this bug/issue…

Edit: nope, im not getting any rep through LFR.

Edit2: So for the wings “Last Stand of the Zandalari” and “Halls of Flesh-Shaping”, I did NOT receive rep. But, for the last wing “Pinnacale of Storms” I DID receive rep.
(sorry for caps, but wanted to make it clear)

Not sure what’s triggering the bug. All wings are my first runs.
Haven’t done “Forgotten Depths” yet.

Edit3: I did get rep from “Forgotten Depths”.