We are a small group of friends looking to find more friends to form an organized and progressive raid team. We like to Raid/M+ and do some pvp(mostly for fun). We like a 3-day raid schedule. Our preferred raid days and times are as follows. Tues./Wed./Thurs. from 7:30cst-10:30cst. We also have leadership roles to fill for interested and qualified players.
We are just everyday working-class people who have real lives and jobs. But we also enjoy Raiding/M+ and other activities WoW has to offer. We like to hang out with like-minded players and enjoy the company of others during our time in WoW. We aren’t easily offended by off color jokes. We don’t take anything to seriously outside of raid. And most of all we just want to have a ton of fun while playing the game no matter what content we are doing. It’s not a job it’s a video game.
We are serious enough during raids to get the kills we are wanting to achieve. But not so serious we can’t laugh things off during the tough nights or bad pulls. We want to achieve Aotc. And move into progression on mythic content once that is accomplished. We expect our leadership positions as well as our raiders to do the proper research for each fight. Have the proper add-ons. Know you BiS gear. Have proper enchants on your gear. Bring consumables for each and every raid.
Current Progress: 8/8N 5/8H
Looking for:
Tank: Closed
Healers: Open
High Priority:
Resto Druid
Holy Priest
DPS: Open
High Priority Ranged:
Shadow Priest
Balance Druid
High Priority Melee:
We encourage skilled as well as casual players to join. Also looking for M+ players.
We also offer a guild/discord community so that you can enjoy content with us while not being pressured to change faction/server.
We look forward to speaking to you and answering any questions you may have.
GM/Healing Officer: Borden#11825
Officer/RL: Drty#1552
Dps Officer: DoonieKing#1801