<Shades of Insomnia> US-Illidan 2/8M Guild LFM


Small newly formed guild of raiders looking for more to join our core team. We are currently 8/8H 2/8M.

We are looking for 7/8H experienced players to join us to achieve AotC and push into mythic progression. If your progression is less than stated above, but you think you would be a good fit. Please don’t be discouraged from contacting us.
If you are reading this and your progression is similar or a couple of bosses ahead and before you blow this post off because you want a higher progressed team. Think about this. If no one has contacted, you and you are still looking. And haven’t found a group. Maybe giving us a chance might not be so bad. I mean, at this point in the tier, what do you really have to lose.

We DO expect everyone to be able to make all three days. And keep high attendance during progression. We do also understand life happens. We are everyday people with lives ourselves. But that doesn’t mean we want to waste the little time we spend raiding together looking for pugs because you are unable to do the raid schedule stated below. So please be sure the times and days’ work for you.

Raid Schedule:
7:30cst to 10:30cst

We are looking for 1 healer and Rdps/Mdps classes to round out our roster.

We also push M+ keys on off nights and weekends. We are pushing to achieve KSM each season as well.

You can contact us thru Bnet

GM/Healing Officer: Borden#11825

Dps Officer: DoonieKing#1801

Officer/RL: Drty#1552

Thank you for your consideration. And we hope to speak with you soon.

Need More DPS

Still looking for more for raid

Need 1 healer and a few dps

Need 1 healer and a few dps

Need a healer and dps

need those dps

In need of dps and a flex healer. Still raiding but want to get ahead in 10.1

I would love to join, not raid ready but im working on my 2nd 70 atm. MM Hunter and would love an invite for 10.1 prep. Would like to raid 10.1 and on.

battlenet = DaveyJones75#1912

Thank you!

Healer and dps classes still needed to fill core roster.

Need reliable dps to show up for raids. Especially 10.1