Shade tags are stupid as hell

Surely by now blizz should understand that on high pop servers people are going to find a way to min max things at the cost of others and not care.

Surely im not the only one sick of spending the whole crystal duration trying to get tags finally getting enough runes to try summon the mob to get a tag and then random rocks up spams their macro solo and takes all 4 Shades wasting your time for nothing


Not making it a global shared tag for the invasion was a huge miss from Blizzard, they should know better. But then again, it is Blizzard after all


For real its sleezy what these mouse over macro users are doing. Blizz fix please.

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druids don’t need a mouseover they have an auto target tag macro

It’s awful for sure. I can only think blizzard knows it might suck in the beginning, but less people doing invasions over time, HOWEVER, if invasions are here to stay, then I can see most people doing them all the time to keep a stock of weapon oils for Naxx raid/parse purposes…

I just wanted to at least get ONE SHADOW credit so I can turn in the dang quest…

you dont need to kill the shade anymore for the remnant quest. just click the green crystal when they die its free loot not even faction locked

I need to summon and kill the shade though for the doom quest, hope I can get it one day if less people are around b4 naxx starts lol. But I’m sure everyone is going to farm as much as possible for getting as many stones/oils as possible for dps/parse stocked up.

Common misconception. You need to pay the rune fee for the tag, not actually hit the mob for the tag, though mid-event, druids still reign supreme at tagging the basic undead mobs. Every single person summoning the shadows now is either using a basic macro, or a weakaura that does effectively the same thing.

I honestly don’t mind the targeting macros for the runes.

What bothers me are the ones that either sit on the elite spawn point spamming their macro doing literally nothing to reduce the crystal health or purposefully farm low health crystals just to ninja the elites. This needs a fix.

I don’t even really blame them. Depending on class it can be a moot point to run around trying to tag things enough that the game deems you worthy to roll on the necrotic rune.

I’m not saying it’s not kinda lame, but I’d blame the event more than the player for it. I can just see someone wasting 20 minutes for 2 or 3 necrotic runes and reaching a “why even bother” point with it.

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