No, it’s definitely busted. Quit being clueless and defending gimmicks.
Obvious bait is obvious, try harder nerd
It’s not lmfao, only nerd here is the one crying because he can’t counter a trinket
Sorry you keep dying to a relatively telegraphed trinket that you should have a stop saved for. I know there is a lot of thinking in arenas, its a real shame one additional ability available to every class in the game puts you over the edge
The argument isn’t that the trinket isn’t counterable, it’s that the current damage output from every team’s go usually leaves you at the mercy of a maledict.
It’s okay, I can tell you haven’t achieved a lot in the arena /:
You should not be dying on first goes the majority of your arenas. You just shouldn’t. It’s a quick meta for sure but every class is equipped to survive the opener; aside from a shaman (assuming gear is equal or close to equal). If you can’t survive an opener and then die to the trinket, youre doing something wrong. Additionally, if you die 15-30 seconds after their opener, youre doing something wrong in your ‘downtime’. You think youre smart, but again, youre just telling the world you arent good at arena. Like i said, quick meta. In my games, average is second go ends in death, generally around the 1 min mark. Plenty of counter play within that window to NOT die to it.
EDIT: You have teammates, we arent talking about duels. I can’t believe youre still arguing this. You made no additional comment off rotating stops. You should not have to use every cc/wall for an opener.
Once again it’s flying over your head… Nobody said anything about dying in the first go…
Not reading this garbage
Never said anything about duels, I can tell you’ve never played arena because the “go” consists of your entire team pushing their shiny CC buttons to “create” the go… With the CC… and stuff… Bro… Dude…
You pretty much just did the entire math problem wrong and got to the right answer.
Thanks for wasting all of our time, just to have your closing statement summarize the problem with this current meta.
Kick rocks, rat
I see more teams messing up with shackle and dying cause of it then it killing my team.
This pretty much sums up why PvP is so terrible right now. “Things gotta die” loosely translates to “kills don’t need to be earned.”
Generic oversimplified version of a broad-stroke strategy to restore the game to some fraction its former glory:
-Increase base ability damages variably across the board
-Decrease Offensive CD multipliers dramatically/variably across the board
-Increase Defensive CD timers variably across the board
queueing against players who can’t cancelcast / press escape:
SLS2 baby
SL season 1 I hit duelist like 10 days into the season because lava burst scaled more than Ppl could live for, pretty sure my last few games I had a cast sequence macro for (lulz mostly) ascendance, prim wave and echoing and would throw up 8 lava bursts. Hit 10 once
In contrast Ret pallies didn’t absolutely dumpster me because base stats and seraphim didn’t boost much I guess? not sure I was getting absolutely slept later on tho
Entire polarity shift once people got geared.
I’ve hit 25k maledicts on people with 39k HP, maybe we should wait out people not renown 50/240+ PvP Ilvl yet, but getting hit by 252 maledicts.
Trinkets scale incredibly hard with Ilvls, you can see this upgrading PvE trinkets with valor and the tooltip (before scaling) goes up a thousand damage over 2 upgrade levels.
Could be wrong idk but players adapt alongside getting more stamina.
Youre so cringe dude. Throughout this thread you act like a prick, then i come in and you just decide to not respond; all while still having some sort of weird superiority complex with the premise of you not being able to handle a trinket. You aren’t good at arena. That is clear lmfao.
“The argument isn’t that the trinket isn’t counterable, it’s that the current damage output from every team’s go usually leaves you at the mercy of a maledict.”
What go are you referring to here? I told you, in the paragraph you skipped because you cant handle a 15 second read, in my experience games generally last two gos. Which leads to your first incorrect take, the argument IS if its counterable. It’s another ability given to every player. You know its there. You plan on it. Clearly your solution is to put your hands up and cry because you can’t comprehend expecting the use of the trinket, then countering it. Another point you cutely skip over is the fact that it’s a team game, which is why I brought up duels. Youre a paladin dude. You dont die to the first few gos by yourself. Add another teammate or two, and you should be surviving. Thats the best part of all of this lmfao. A paladin not being able to survive an enemy go and dying to the trinket.
You continue to make jokes about how i dont understand arena yet youre the one clearly telling me you’re unable to use a combination of your paladin kit plus your teammates kit to survive a go, counter the trinket, then kill them.
Im done, its late and I have work tomorrow. Thanks for making my night though. Screenshotting this. “Useless paladin cries to the world about how he’s useless” LMFAO. Have a good one
On another note I learned today I can cast shackle then grapple hook behind a pillar lmao
Screenshotting this. “Useless paladin cries to the world about how he’s useless” LMFAO. Have a good one
Ya lmao you’re upset buddy take a chill pill before you punch a hole in that monitor
Entire polarity shift once people got geared.
Got geared? Or learned new expansion/season burst cues?
Also, I’m not convinced there was a polarity shift. Braindead turbos were still 100-0ing people in a stormbolt at the very end of last season; fire mages were still 100-0ing people in 2 seconds, venthyr hpals were still hammering people for 50%, condemns and executes were still hitting for 50% with CDs up (to name a few examples).
I respect the sentiment that the extent to which this is all an issue may lessen as we progress into the season and health pools/gear improve, but it’s currently so extreme it’s very likely a bucket of water on a forest fire rather than a ‘polarity shift,’ using last season as evidence.
So what you’re saying, is the first team that gets to race to “go number 2” gets to automatically win right?
Yea entire polarity shift was pretty heavy handed, words have meaning my bad.
Was kind of tunneling the real cheese stuff like Lava burst machine gunning, Sub/mm openers.
the sentiment that the extent to which this is all an issue may lessen as we progress into the season and health pools/gear improve
More akin to what i was trying to describe
just play
nah peeps giving their feedback is good, sometimes it is more venting but still a form of feedback
they can say something is busted and you disagree but it doesn’t mean they need to ‘just play’ and it will all be better
feedback leads to changes and most peeps that complain regularly eventually quit if nothing changes and it is ruining their fun enough
the game is about fun, first and foremost, so every complaint that is tantamount to “I’m not having fun” is good feedback
the devs are often out of touch or on completely different design goals and they’ve said hundreds of times and in their quitting separation forms to leave feedback on the forums
I see a lot of people provide counter feedback that equals “just think about it differently” and the same would go for you, instead of accepting it why don’t you ‘just think about it differently’
I gave more than a “just play” to Nerdx and I actually agree with most of his sentiment
but knee jerk reactions with no actually content/context like the OP deserve a just play imo.
I landed a 28k maledict on someone and that damage on 40k hp is incredibly overtuned but I’m a scrub and did that with no actual setup just threw it and it wasn’t stopped.
You had complaints DAY 1, losing isn’t fun but not everything you cry about is warranted.
I’ve seen people here moan about dying when they’re in 190 baseline honor set not upgraded.
I’ve seen someone post nerf DH then link a clip of LEGION DH from 6 years ago
A lot of ppl griping about high exp players at low rating while having no clue what placement games are the 2nd Week of the season
These players aren’t having fun but they’re basically not playing the game if they can’t understand why they aren’t having fun
If no one tells them to actually play then this place just becomes an echo chamber of fat tears with no one actually discussing anything but just validating eachother’s baseless complaints.
Especially people that give up the moment they see a gladiator mount, PLAY and press on. Q up
queueing against players who can’t cancelcast / press escape:
Doesn’t it go on cd the instant you press it, regardless of it cancelling or finishing?