You honestly can’t think Shackle (4s channel, 20 yard range + 50% snare on the user) is more toxic than the instant fat absorb in BFA that would get dispelled into 2 more right away
Or Spite, or Mechagon trink, prism, or sporepod or corruption
I legit had 120% versa at points in BFA or Pallies back to back HoJing that you literally just had to watch happen while you got buttblasted by things from beyond.
Idk I mean maledict serves a purpose and the logic was to prolly counter damp but you also have to factor it’s overtuned compared to current hp pools considering you can use a max ilvl version already
Will be less of a problem when people have 4% more stam/gear even emblem at 252 to answer with
Will give RM another go to force stuff with though, jung in some MUs too
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After my DMG and mana has been nerfed, I like that there’s an option for me to use something that doesn’t cost mana that can end a match quickly if the enemy team aren’t going to stop it.
But as a healer it’s also rough. Still I think I enjoy it since it’s making games really short.
Would argue 100x over that the passive natures of versa, tentacles, sporepod etc or the lose lose situation spite asked you when it came to dropping all your gear is equivalent to a channeled trinket that snares you on a 3 min CD.
The only unique contribution to this discussion has been Dill’s post about how it’s skewed in some match ups which of course ppl will huddle behind because he’s reputable (while being a good point)
Even with that point taken you have skewed Match ups with innate abilities just like Merfy pointed out in another thread when it comes to Mage players that don’t play with Priests and face Druid teams.
This Trinket was really forged out of player complaints about Damp and Hybrid healing.
Instead of being mad and just vocalizing something annoys you, point out the Blizzard that you want player abilities to determine match outcomes.
And even in that regard player abilities can shutdown this trinket
So what are we mad about day what, 4 into this Season with ppl maybe 3k more hp than they had last ssn
Correct me if i’m (probably) wrong but weren’t healers just straight up healing thru Mally in BFA after awhile, at least 1 of the applications would just be glossed over after gear
I just want actual discussion to be fostered than just memeing
I’ve landed 20k Shackles with bare min modifiers as an outlaw rogue which is bizarre
I’ve said enough, gn
Blizzard added literally just to troll the playerbase
Glad we all agree. The trinket is trash and should be pruned.
Dunno why they bothered to bring back something that basically nobody wanted.
Seriously, why waste time developing something players don’t want?
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A trinket shouldn’t be able to cover a win condition on its own, or act as a sole defensive when it comes to surviving a go. That’s just bad game design.
They should of addressed the effectiveness of offhealing/absorbs/FD legendary if they wanted to increase the pace of the games. Even if it becomes less effective as we become full geared, we are then still left with the same problems they refused to address to begin with.
Actually amusing how many people defend it honestly, the same ones who would have probably defended other broken pve trinkets in the past that could sway the outcome of a game if they simply had access to it.
i dont think the button itself is OP. i think it being a racial only on one faction is what makes it OP. if we cant agree on that this we will not meet in the middle. if it was on horde i wouldnt be saying a word cuz then atleast i have the option to use it
Is absolutely insane. No cap, I legit ask my paladin for bop just to get it off uninterrupted and I’m a rogue which technically isn’t the best to be channeling the trinket with energy regen and up time generally.
It’ll get worse the later the patch but as of now there is nothing even close to its power in pvp.
Best window to use is during disarm and when you 100 percent can’t be interrupted as their cc is down or your in an immunity like bop versus warriors.
Anyone think they should have brought back Breach as well/instead, or was that also considered troll?
Passive shield procs like save by the light are actually toxic for closing out games. With how maledict damage can be stopped by many classes by decurse or abilities like warlock port distance, rogue cloak, hunter feint, warrior leap, mage blink etc I do not think it’ll be as strong as it is today.
People just aren’t adjusting to the trinket well yet just give it time and it’ll be a weaker bfa maledict.
Glad they didn’t bring back the other trinkets***
Everyone can get the trinket but only some classes can counter it, including the best healer melee and caster classes making them even better now. No thought goes into pvp balancing.
Unless you’re a hybrid, then it’s all about games never ending.
LOL this can describe the game overall.
They’ve made so many convoluted systems of borrowed power that literally no one asked for. Covenants, soul binds, conduits, domination gems, corruptions, azerite armor, azerite essences, etc.
just had a resto druid slap it on me and do 15k damage yeah real good
Boo hoo? Welcome to the game healers have been dealing with since day one.
With the disclaimer of not playing this season yet and that im being hyperbolic, lets use an example of any ol’ trinket that can potentially one shot someone and that its usable by everyone.
Is this good play? Is this fair; an ability that is not specific to your class that does most or all the work for you? Man I wonder if people unironically miss bike/drest or even infinite stars as a side note.
Its your job as a team player to rotate defensive cds, stuns, kicks, etc. if you communicate with your team, this scenario shouldn’t happen every arena. If it is, you aren’t playing correctly or the enemy team completely outplayed you. Lastly, as someone mentioned above, EVERYONE has access to this trinket. Your entire stance is in the POV of you not having the trink. Sorry you made a choice that probably wasn’t the best, sorry you can’t play to a high enough level to deal with your choice, and sorry you cant handle rotating abilities to ensure you have some type of stop available.
The crying on this thread is hilarious. Its not THAT op, plenty of counters. You’re just telling the world how bad you are