Sha of Anger

I have read about five articles on this and am completely confused on how it works.

I already killed the Sha of Anger once this week.

I have ten Elder Charms of Good Fortune.

Does that mean I can kill him ten more times for ten more pieces of loot?

Or does that mean I had ten extra chances at loot when i killed him?

Thank you in advance for any assistance, Me

If i remember correctly, those are like bonus rolls, so once extra time a week. I could be wrong

I believe it means this.

With that charm you can bonus roll on him to give you an extra chance at loot, but you can only use a charm once per week/toon.

Why is this signed “Me”? I didn’t write this!


I thought you can only get a drop once per week, but you can bonus roll unlimited times.

for every sha you kill, 10 more sha will spawn

Then why aren’t there 5000 shas of anger running around? Am i doing something wrong? XD

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Nope you only get the bonus roll option once per toon. Many of my toons have 10+ tokens but I do not get the bonus option more than once per week.

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On this blessed day, we are all Silverleigh.

I was hoping this thread was about how Ralph’s true identity was the Sha of Anger, and I just want to say, I’m all in on that theory.

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That is some serious bass in that voice.

Blizz will time gate and rng the hell out of you and your fun, and you will like it!

You can kill him once, with one more chance at loot as a bonus roll if you have a charm. If you kill him any more times, you will not get anything until the next week. You could though kill him, forget to roll, then kill again and get your bonus roll a second kill but no more

No. One kill and one bonus roll a week. If you don’t have a bonus roll and then go get one, you can kill him again later to use it.

Pandaria world boss mounts do drop off bonus rolls. I got the Thundering Cobalt Cloud Serpent on a bonus roll.

To further clarify, normal bonus rolls off raid bosses were and still are able to be done repeatedly assuming you are able to re-kill the boss that week. Pandaria’s world bosses are an exception to this rule due to only being able to use a bonus roll once each week instead.

At the time I presumed the limitation was in place because they didn’t want people wasting the “valuable” currency trying for the mounts (even though Sha’s mount ironically wasn’t yet on the loot table properly); today it’s just kind of arbitrary.

Thank you for saying so, I was unaware of that.

I’m gonna get some rolls on all my alts now.

You haven’t been reading the forums much, have you?

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