So as we all know, there was an exploit that allowed evokers to get extremely rare mounts, the rarest mounts in the game, at 100% drop chance.
I have a few questions:
How many days did it take for them to patch the exploit?
Did they remove the extremely rare mounts from those peoples accounts?
Is there any value left in these mounts? How many hundreds if not thousands obtained these mounts? Are they useless now? Do they hold any importance anymore?
Not necessarily. It could be said if they don’t have it, it’s not worth anything, as much as it can be said it’s worth something. Depends on the person/player and their goals.
The mounts couldnt be traded or sold, so they have no value.
I missed the glitch and I had been farming the mount since MoP came out (and am still bitter about Blizzard assuring us it was in the loot pool, when later it was reveled that it wasnt for a while) Even though people were able to get the mounts via a glitch, it did not kill my desire to obtain the mount in the slightest. Was I salty I missed it? Yeah.
I finally ended up getting it the day after my Birthday in December, which was a wonderful gift.
This actually true? Not saying I don’t believe you its just others are saying they weren’t removed, but that is really good if removed the mounts from the evokers that got it for no work.
Anyone who claims they werent removed is full of it , Bluzzard removed all Reigns of the Heavenly onyx cloud serpent obtained on the dates they specified.
WTF? Didn’t know about that, where’s the info?
I’ve finally dropped 3 weeks ago when I’ve started playing DF, I’ve read that they have buffed the drop rate for those mounts and since I was trying to get since MOP I started again.
Killed two times, won on a reroll, so the buffs wasn’t a lie after all. But unfortunately, zero goosebumps since the whole appeal for mount farming was lost from me since Legion.
But well, it’s a nice looking mount, if it ever gets the Dragonriding treatment, I might ride it.
The sha of anger mount was buffed to at least 50x higher drop rate than it used to have. 1/2000 to prob 1/100 now. Guess that’s 20x now that I think about it, but still.