SF and SSF as non-hardcore?

Is there any chance of these two options to be available on non HC realms or has there been any discussion on it?

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seems unnecessary

Any thought on why? Self Found is already available on one server, wouldn’t it be just pressing a button to get it on non-hardcore realms?

I was wondering the same thing actually :expressionless: It would be nice to have, I would do it sometime. No reason why SF has to be tied to HC.

do you need to have the buff to play SF? i guess i don’t see why they would need to add it

No, but you dont need a HC buff/server to play HC. It is just insurance to ensure you follow the rules without having to scrutinize everything. Certain in-game events send mail and having a safety net in case a player randomly sends you something you might accidentally open would be nice.

Blizzard, there is zero downside and infinite potential upside to adding this (already existing on HC) toggle to normal classic servers. Please look at the immense success that Ironman mode has had on OSRS, and continue to take inspiration from their available game modes. More people (on OSRS) choose to play SSF than not, as they feel it represents the original spirit of the game better than when trading is available.