Sexy Dwarfs report in

breaks out the ale and beer basted boar ribs

I really do love dwarves . . . they know how to live.

raises a flagon to all the dwarves


“Thunderthighs” would be a pretty good Dwarf name, thinking of it.

…Maybe I should make a character based on that…

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Hey. I am reportin’ in.

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Hope I fall into the sexy dwarf category. :blush:

/knows he’s far from sexy :sweat_smile:

Ain’t ya a swell lad!

/raises a flagon to Athorian and all the other fine people here :beers:


thanks but now you gotta go blood elf

I love these new glasses they added. I can now pull off the sexy Dark Iron Bondage Librarian Paladin


Viking Santa reporting for duty.

I have brought spirits! :beer:

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Nonsense! Just look at that hat… and that beard!!

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Yes… and then some.

Aww, yer nice! You always have kind words to say, Viking Santa. :blush:

I do love the hat. It’s been throwing me off when I see my portrait on the forums since I’m not used to seeing it. lol

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Um this guy has a problem I’m not sure I can type out… ?

I used to have a Tauren shaman named “Thundathighs” lol

i brought the mead and vodka
lets rock

I never knew how much I needed this until now.


My dorf pally

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Sorry for the late check in… i know all my Dwarf bro/sisters were wondering where I was being that its the sexy dwarf thread. Never fear I am here… Just been quite a day at the forge today.


I’m so hawt that I got repressed by the man.


Hi Mario, how are you doing?