Sexual Harassment in game

Will blizzard start to address the harassment of players in in-game and the forums from other players? Yeah, the report system is there, but it’s often abused and does little to curb the everyday toxic behavior of these players.

Im personally sick of those that think its funny to make attacks in chat on players in chat and on forums. It ruining our game and it has to end.


mate they can’t even control it in their own offices


I agree with the weird looking elf.

They apparently couldn’t keep it in their pants. They apparently couldn’t keep a modicum of decorum in the office.

I’m going with, “Blizzard doesn’t care about sexual harassment and the only reason they’re trying and failing now is because they got caught.”


I’m wondering how people in game know what you look like irl.

Or am I missing something?

Not a sexist just wrapping my mind around this. I pretty much raid log so I don’t see much of chat

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They make ASSumptions about you irl.

I’ve received in-game whispers, ERP requests, and harassing in-game mail. All the time, they ASSume and we all know what that does. :wink:

And all that is just from them knowing that I’m married and my hubs is awesome. I don’t hide that fact from anyone.

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inb4 someone makes a weakaura that automatically /moans, /flirts, /licks anyone with a female model

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You only need to stand still for 10 sec. Night elf female toon skin. Flop flip flop…
Ya that’s real cool…

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I vote they remove the option to make male characters. Just remove the problem like a cancer

They would have to higher some actual dedicated in game GM’s first. Bridge too far?

Yeah here we go with guys are the problem the toxic male. Then they come out with the letter about marginalized groups? Really the race card in a game where unless you say what race you are no one would no. I am getting sick of this divisive garbage. People need to learn to be more courteous yes that is a start but then again what happened to ignoring them? I mean I understand if they get really to the point of being Vulgar then yeah kick them. Now we have to worry about speech police in game ridiculous.


nah heres what u can do to make it a hustle.

“o u wanna cyber? (X) gold”
receives gold
hits da ignore


Counterpoint: ban those trolling with recreational mock outrage


How about you use the ignore function instead of crying on the forums?


With a face like that you get erp whispers?


careful bro, you might accidentally summon an imp or something.


Yeah, I for one am sick and tired of people not being able to handle words on a screen from a big bad meanie, oh umm… i meant to say… YEAH i agree!!! ban everyone that attacks anyone verbally in video games, itll make the world a better place!!!

These people are worthless bags of s–t, lol that this is the hill you want to die on, or think the problem is “just be a bit nicer”.

Don’t kink shame.

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These forums and in-game chat make it clear that Blizzard doesn’t moderate at all. The amount of offensive and sexually explicit language is out of control. It’s clear that Blizzard’s careless disregard for their employees extends to their customers as well. This game and these forums need a parental advisory. If Blizzard has any integrity they would moderate in-game chat and these forums. I hope the state of California looks at the language that Blizzard allows to flourish on its platforms.

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Op knows he can turn chat off yeah?

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