<Severity Gaming> | 6/8M | 1&2 Day Teams Available | LFM S2

We are the Retail WoW branch of Severity Gaming, an Online Gaming Community started in 2010.

Below you can find details on:

  • Sales: Raid & Mythic +
  • Recruitment: Mythic Raid Team
  • Recruitment: Casual Raid Team

Contact Info

  • Discord: discord.gg/severitygaming
  • Chaoticbull (Recruitment): Pixelgasm#1202 (Battle.net), ianlikely (Discord)
  • Billok (Officer): Billay#11240 (Battle.net), billay (Discord)
  • Bearcat (Mythic Raid Lead): Bearlilliee#1230 (Battle.net), bear.cat (Discord)
  • Nastaskia (Guild Master + Casual Raid Lead): Delacour#1483 (Battle.net), sgdelacour (Discord)

Sales: Raid & Mythic+

Normal/Heroic Raid

We host an Unsaved Raid Clear every Monday at 9:30p EST. Services for this run include: Full Clear, Individual Bosses, Last Boss Only (AOTC), “Vault Express”, Armor Class Funnel, Tier Funnel, Item Reservations, and Bundles/Combinations of anything above. Anything not reserved prior is Lootshare/Open-Roll.


Advertisers/Brokers in Services Chat will take the same cut (if not more) that they pay the players actually Boosting a M+ Keystone. Skip the “Broker Cut” and book with us directly for better rates. We’ll organize a Guild Push Group and work with you to find a time to run (up to M+12).

Recruitment: Mythic Raid Team

Starting TWW S2 - We are now a Two-Day Raid Team (previously One-Day).

This is our high-intensity progression focused Raid Team. We only raid for 5 hours/week and expect our members to use their time outside of raid to go well above their weekly upkeep expectations. We also expect all members to do their own research and be able to demonstrate that knowledge during progression. We keep a lean bench, and underperformers will be swapped out frequently. “One-Tricks” are discouraged unless extremely talented.


  • Sunday:
    • EST: 8:30p-11:30p
    • CST: 7:30p-10:30p
    • MST: 6:30p-9:30p
    • PST: 5:30p-8:30p
  • Monday:
    • EST: 9p-11p
    • CST: 8p-10p
    • MST: 7p-9p
    • PST: 6p-8p


The War Within

  • Nerub’ar Palace: 8/8N, 8/8H, 6/8M - Top 10 US One-Day Team - #7 US One-Day Team


  • Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope: 9/9N, 9/9H, 7/9M - #7 US One-Day Team
  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: 9/9N, 9/9H, 8/9M - #6 US One-Day Team
  • Vault of the Incarnates: 8/8N, 8/8H, 6/8M - #6 US One-Day Team


  • Sepulcher of the First Ones: 11/11N, 11/11H, 6/11M - #9 US One-Day Team
  • Sanctum of Domination: 10/10N, 10/10H, 5/10M - #3 US One-Day Team
  • Castle Nathria: 10/10N, 10/10H, 2/10M


Players of the following classes/specs/roles with similar current-raid experience and a competitive ilvl may apply here: https://sev.gg/wowapply (Powered by WoWAudit - Battle.net Login Required)

We fill to ~32 at the start of every season and let player performance in Normal/Heroic determine who makes the roster.

Class/Spec/Role Need
All spots are open in prep for S2 High

Recruitment: Saturday Raid Team

This is our low-intensity Casual/ALT Raid Team that is comprised of our Community Members and Mythic Raid Team ALTs. It gets AOTC early in the season and continues farming throughout. It moves into Mythic based on team interest.


  • Saturday:
    • EST: 9:30p-12m
    • CST: 8:30p-11p
    • MST: 7:30p-10p
    • PST: 6:30p-9p


The War Within

  • Nerub’ar Palace: 8/8N, 8/8H


  • Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope: 9/9N, 9/9H
  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: 9/9N, 9/9H
  • Vault of the Incarnates: 8/8N, 8/8H


Reach out directly to Nastaskia (GM): Delacour#1483 (Battle.net), sgdelacour (Discord)

We’re more than happy to speak to our past players, please reach out!

1 Like

Ra is a great tack! https://soundcloud.com/search?q=RA%20slumberjack

another one for ya! [Sunflower (Kwon Edit) by Kwon https://soundcloud.com/kwonmakesmusic/post-malone-ft-swae-lee-sunflower-kwon-edit-1

Stay in the house! Stay In The House #1 | Deep House Set | 2017 Mixed By Johnny M - YouTube

Started with normal and got 6 down for the week. Should be able to push more next Sunday. Always looking for more!

Still looking for the classes/specs listed in opening thread.

Did Heroic tonight instead of Norm and came out on top. 4/10H not bad for first round. :stuck_out_tongue:

Another great night for the squad. New boss down in heroic!

Now looking for a Resto druid, ours has had some personal priority conflicts come up.

DPS and non Shaman/Paladin/Priest healers, where you at?

2 new progression bosses down tonight.

Looking for healers! and DPS

Thread has been updated with latest needs.

Hi there, I am a mw monk healer and I’d love to discuss joining your raid team. Please get back to me as soon as you are available.

Let’s talk!! :slight_smile:

looking for RDPS! Maybe a Warrior or DK DPS.

boop for a healer or two!

hopefully heroic sylv this week and into mythics! :slight_smile: looking for more!

We got Heroic Sylv down to 4.8% this past weekend with someone DCed in P2. She dies this weekend! :slight_smile:

Got our AOTC tonight! Now looking for more to build our roster up to 22-23 so we can start consistent mythic progression. Even if you’re position isn’t listed above, let’s talk!!

LFM RDPS for mythic raiding.