Severed Thread Accomplice reputation questlines bugged

Because I’ve been doing the pact only with the Weaver, my General and Vizier have been lagging behind

However, through the reputation drops of rares and whatnot, I obtained Accomplice status for both the General and the Vizier at the same time.

The General spawned in the Weaver’s Lair, did his Accomplice quest fine

But the Vizier never spawned. Zoned out, logged out, even did scan/repair, and nothing, the Vizier is just not spawning in the lair to give me his “The Vizier’s Entreaty” questline.

Checking wowhead, it appears this quest also didn’t appear for someone that did the Vizier pact since the first week, with no follow up as to whether they were able to or not.

I assume it has to do with the fact both NPCs were supposed to spawn in the same place at the same time?

Edit 5 sept 2:24 PM

Questline is still bugged after maintenance and reset

Executor Nizrek appears at the Royal Apothecary subzone, but he is not offering the quest. He is not in his “office” nearbye either with the quest, nor does he spawn at the Weaver’s Lair with the quest.

I am having this exact issue and so are several other people. He is in the Royal Apothecary but didnt have a quest for me, I also didnt get the tier 5 reward for him even though im past it

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