Severed Strands Raid Buff

same here for me aswell

Also had the issue of turning in the first 16 finery and buff still shows 0%

also showing 0%, hopefully just tooltip error

same here, but bet its working as intended and gated maybe till next week!

just because Wowhead says it is live doesn’t mean blizzard actually turned it on!

Same here. Hope it’s just a tooltip error.

I’m a paladin with 0% buff

Same on this character ^^

Same here on my main.

Same bug here on all characters.

Also same here, across all characters.

I turned in my 16 finery. 0% buff.

Hello! The Severed Strands buff tooltip showing 0% is a visual bug only and will be fixed in the 20th Anniversary Celebration update. The 2.25% damage and healing bonus from the buff is working as intended.

One last thing while you’re around – will each increase require 16 finery / 2 weeks of raid?
If so, that’s 14 weeks to cap.

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0% for me also. Not working

You have more “Visual bugs” in this game since TWW prepatch than I’ve ever seen in 20 years of playing.

Tooltip bugs are extremely common since they generally cannot update them in a hotfix and have to wait until client side patches.

Silly question…once you turn this in, the buff is account wide right?


And even if you’re below the cap, they don’t drop again from the same bosses on alts? That kind of defeats the purpose of a catch-up mechanic…

I’m at 12/16 and no more are dropping…