Several Weekly Quests did not reset 9/10

Several (but not all) Weekly quests did not reset on my character Dopeh-Area52 on 9/10.

Theatre Troupe
Weekly Artisan Acuity Quests
Awakening the Machine

However the weekly quests for weekly dungeon, etc, did reset.


having the same issue blizz hasnt said a thing about it… also my world quests didn’t reset


I have the SAME exact issue. No weekly reset for Theater Troupe, Artisan Acuity prof quests, Awakening the Machine, or the Hallowfall light the braziers quests.

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Same issue here


Same issue, also the Key cap from last week didn’t reset either so nothing is giving me coffer keys.

I also have all these issues

Same issue on Tapitson, no delve keys have done all weekly content and only recieved 2 coffers to open. Did the machine quest and didnt have any chests to loot after words. Seems like my weekly quests did not reset. Didnt have any “locked” quests that needed to “do x world quests to unlock”. I did log in right as the servers came up which seems to be a common issue between alot of us that I have seem on the forums.

Edit: I also ran delves with my friends who had not leveled their Brans at all maybe level 11 at most. I leveled my Bran to 15 last week. I ran the same delves as my friends and all of there Brans are 20+, by Bran that started at 15 is only 18… Something is really not right with this weekly reset.

Same issue. Two of my chars (so far) not getting the weekly quest from Faerin.

I was able to do them all on my main, but nothing available for my alt, and wondered if they changed something? Last time I did the weeklies on the alt was early last week. Like… last Wednesday?

Same issue here, no theatre troupe reset, no weekly quest for disc fragments, no ringing deeps weekly, no artisan consortium reset, concerned I may be missing one as well that isn’t in my scope or may be forgotten.

Also did not receive the Spreading the Light weekly from Hallowfall

Same here hope they have a fix soon

I am having the same issue, only on one character.

Same issue. Only on my main

same issue only on my hunter, every other character have everything just fine!

same here blizzard is ignoring us.

bumping this as I was in another thread, same EXACT issue

Still waiting on any sort of info about this. Missing keys will be preventing me from doing all my delves today.

On top of the weekly quest reward caches not resetting, I also did not receive a weekly reset on my profession knowledge items.

same, didn’t get my alchemy weekly :frowning: